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First Wort Hop/Whirlpool Timer


New Forum Member
Jun 3, 2014
Reaction score
My two part question is on time for first wort hopping and whirlpooling. Do I enter boiling time in the slot or entire time in the kettle. For FWH is it the lauter time plus the boil time or is it just the boil time. For whirlpooling is it the time it takes to whirlpool or is it 0 because it isnt added while boiling?
First Wort hops are given their own instruction line in BeerSmith brew steps, so you don't have to be too precise about it. BeerSmith defaults to the total boil time for FWH because it doesn't have any function for sparge time.

In my case, sparge lasts 75 to 90 minutes and occasionally goes longer if the grain bed tightens up. Sparge has lasted as long as 2.5 hours and the extra FWH time had no impact on the bitterness of the beer. YMMV.

For Whirlpool/steep, I have the addition time equal the length of the whirlpool/steep time.
proof that 'Search' is your friend  :)

was going to ask exactly this question (recommended FWH pre-boil kettle time in BS) upon logging in to the forum this morning.