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SQL Debug Error when copying to the Cloud


Grandmaster Brewer
Dec 28, 2011
Reaction score
I have 4 recipes in my cloud folder, when I attempt to copy another I get the following error.  No issues with logging directly to cloud account
Any ideas?


I am getting the same error message.

I believe this may be related to an upgrade we did to the server on Sunday night.  I moved everything over to a new server to handle the growth of the service.

I just got a sample recipe (its not doing this for all recipes) from a user last night and will be looking closely to correct it today.  If you have recipes that are causing this issue, could you email a few to beersmith at my beersmith.com address and I'll take a look at those as well.

I hope to have this corrected very shortly - I think its related to the fact that the new server is running newer versions of mysql and php.

I just made a fix to the cloud scripts.  It was an issue related to the server upgrade I did on Sunday night.

I think I've been able to correct the issue completely, but if you run into any additional problems, please shoot me an email with a copy of the BSMX recipe you are having trouble with so I can take a look.
