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Grains and Sugars

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The Grains and Sugar view allows you to add or edit the malt grains, extract and sugars database that is available within the recipe design tool for building recipes.  From here you can add new varieties of grains and sugars, edit the parameters for items to be used in new recipes, and delete those you don't regularly use.


Note: Editing an item in this database will not change existing recipes as each recipe has a complete copy of its ingredients stored internally.  Changing an ingredient will only change future recipes made with this ingredient.


See Also: Editing Functions for using basic cut, copy, paste and delete functions


Using the Grains and Sugars View

oSelect the Grain view from the ingredient menu or ribbon
oFrom here you can add, edit or delete new items using the large buttons on the ribbon
oYou can also adjust inventory by editing the inventory field for this item, and set the price (used for future recipes) using the Set Price button



Adding a New Grain or Sugar Item

oSelect the Grain view from the ingredient menu or ribbon
oSelect the Add Grain button to add a new item
oYou can add new grains, sugars, liquid extract or dry extract by adjusting the type
oThe critical parameters for grains/extracts/sugars are the type, color and potential fields as these are used in recipes to estimate the recipe color and original/final gravity.


Setting the Price

oWithin the ingredient view, select the items you wish to set.  You can select multiple items using Ctrl/Command-click and Shift-click on your mouse
oClick the Set Price button on the ribbon to set all of the prices at once