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Tabbed and Windowed Browsing

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BeerSmith 2 is a significant departure from the previous versions of BeerSmith.  BeerSmith 1 only supported one visible view at a time, so opening a tool often obscured the recipe or view you were currently working on.


BeerSmith 2 incorporates tabbed and window browsing - which makes it possible to open as many tools and recipes as you like without disrupting your workflow.  Users with multiple monitors can open several different items and display them on the screen all at once.


By default, most tools and views are opened in new tabs, and individual items (except recipes) are opened in separate windows.  Any item can be displayed in a window, tab or within the currently active view.  You can change this behavior by altering the look and feel options.


Note: You can change the default opening option for an item by right clicking on that item to open it in a new tab or window.  You can also do the same using Control/Command-click or Shift-Click (or double click when opening) to activate an item in a window, tab or in-place.


See Also: Look and Feel options, My Recipes and Folders, Editing Functions, Reports


Opening a New Tab or Window

oBy default, most tools and views are opened in new tabs, and individual items (except recipes) are opened in separate windows. This includes most tools, the profile, ingredient and open recipe views.
oYou can change this behavior for an item permanently by altering the look and feel options.
oYou can also right click on an item and select the Edit in New Tab selection or Edit in New Window to override the default behavior
oFinally, you can modify the default opening behavior for an item by Control/Command-Clicking or Shift-Clicking it.  This applies to most menus, buttons and views.


Forcing a New Window

oRight click on an item and select the Edit in New Window to override the default behavior
oIf the default behavior is not to open a new window for an item, Shift-Clicking or Shift-Double-Clicking the item will also open it in a new window


Forcing a New Tab

oRight click on an item and select the Edit in New Tab to override the default behavior
oIf the default behavior is not to open a new tab for an item, Ctrl/Command-Clicking or Ctrl/Command-Double-Clicking the item will also open it in a new tab


Opening in the Current View

oThough rarely used, you can also set an item to open over the current view.  In this case the new view will obscure the previous one and you can navigate between views using the Forward and Back buttons on the toolbar
oThis mode is primarily used for navigating My Recipes and the recipe folders, and not recommended for tools and other items.