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Recipe Set as Default

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BeerSmith lets you set up a default recipe containing just about any settings, profiles or ingredients you wish to make it easier to create new recipes in the future.  Essentially the default recipe is the one that will come up whenever you add a new recipe from My Recipes view.


Setting the Default Recipe Template for New Recipes

oFirst create a new empty recipe, and adjust any of the settings you want.  For example, you might want to set the type, equipment, boil time, brewer, carbonation and fermentation settings to be those you most commonly use.  You can even add ingredients if you like.
oOnce you have your "default recipe" the way you like it, pick the Set as Default icon on the ribbon
oYou will be asked to confirm that you want to make this the new default recipe - click yes to do so
oNow if you create a new recipe it will have all of the settings/fields you just used as the starting point for editing.