Tag Archives: styles

Historical Beer Myths with Randy Mosher – BeerSmith Podcast #115

Randy Mosher tells us why almost everything we’ve been told about the history of beer is wrong.  In a wide ranging interview, Randy shares why many of our beer stories are actually myths, and shares a history of beer that is much more varied and dynamic than previously thought.

You can find podcast show notes here.

Beer Styles with Stan Hieronymus – BeerSmith Podcast #106

Stan Hieronymus, brewing author and most recent winner of the AHA Governing Committee award, joins me this week to discuss hops and emerging beer styles.  Stan is the author of “For the Love of Hops”, “Brew Like a Monk” and also “Brewing with Wheat”.

You can find the full episode with show notes here.

The 2015 BJCP Beer Style Guide with Gordon Strong – BeerSmith Podcast #104

BJCP President Gordon Strong joins me to discuss the 2015 BJCP Beer Style Guide update that was just released by the Beer Judge Certification Program. The new, expanded style guide is used worldwide by home and professional brewers for competition and brewing great beer.

You can find the full episode with show notes here.