
Alcohol Tolerance in Beer Yeast and BeerSmith 3

by Brad Smith on December 19, 2018 · 1 comment

Some brewers don’t realize that beer yeast, like all yeast has a limited alcohol tolerance.  In fact many some beer yeasts reach their limit below 8% ABV which can be a real problem for high gravity beers. Yeast Alcohol Tolerance Yeast is a one cell living creature.  As such it can only reproduce and grow […]

Some home brewed beers can develop a flavor and aroma of excessive alcohol. This can very from a slight alcoholic warmth to strong alcohol that tastes like moonshine. This week we’ll explore the root cause of an alcoholic off-flavor. Higher Order “Fusel” Alcohols During normal fermentation, yeast cells consume sugars and produce alcohol (ethanol) as […]

Low Calorie Beer Brewing Recipes at Home

by Brad Smith on March 10, 2016 · 4 comments


While some commercial low calorie beers have a poor reputation with many brewers, you can brew your own low calorie beer at home in a wide variety of beer styles. For those of us looking to loose a few pounds or cut down on carbs, low calorie home brewing gives us a chance to be […]

In this very short video I show you how to use the Percent Alcohol tool in BeerSmith to find out how many calories are in your home brewed beer. You can get to the tool in BeerSmith from Tools->Percent Alcohol. BeerSmith Quick Brewing and Software tips are some short 1-3 minute video clips I’ve put […]

Top 10 Surprising Benefits of Drinking Beer

by Brad Smith on August 5, 2014 · 19 comments

I bet it comes as a surprise that beer or any other alcoholic drink for that matter can be beneficial for our health. Well, it can! While wine is good for your heart, beer has up to ten health benefits starting with bone breakage risk reduction to warding off mental decline. Obviously, we cannot neglect […]