App not available


Apr 2, 2017
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I tried to download the BeerSmith 3 Mobile app for my phone from Google Play. It is telling me the app is not available for my device because it was made for an older version of Android. I currently have a Gold level license for my desktop. How do I install the mobile app on my phone?
I've started work on an update but it is a complex situation as the data locations have changed.

In the meantime, I'm recommending people use the web based version which is included with your existing Gold membership. To use it from your phone just log into your account from any browser and you can edit all your cloud based recipes from the phone. In fact the web based version has more features than the current mobile version.

Hey Brad

Any progress?

All my devices have upgraded now. The web version is fine but I miss brewday timer alerts.
I actually worked on this most of last week. The major area I've been struggling with is actually the notifications for the timer. Android made substantial changes in this area, including changing default permissions and blocking the old notification (alarm) sounds. In addition, it looks like Android 14 (upcoming) will by default stop most applications from doing exact timers which is a real problem for the brewday timer notifications, so I'm trying to figure out how to deal with this as it involves rewriting most of the notification plugin:

I'm not sure the store will even allow exact timers for my app under Android 14 because its not a calendar app. Nevertheless I'm working on modifications to at least get Android 13 working properly and trying to come up with additional modifications to ask for permission under Android 14.

Also, there is a brewday timer on the web version. Open a recipe and go to the timer page, though obviously its not tied to your Android notifications.

Sounds like it's quite a task.

My current fix is to run split screen with the web app on one side and a system timer on the other so that I get alerts. It's not terrible, but it's hardly a nice workflow.
Drop me an email - I'm working on a beta version which I hope to have ready soon.
Just ran into the Brew Day Timer dysfunction (new Android tablet). Caught me by surprise but fortunately had an early hop addition that by habit I knew wasn't being alarmed so it didn't mess up the schedule. Please fix!

Please add me to the beta test group. Pixel 8 Plus running Android V.14