Feature Requests


New Forum Member
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
I gave iBrewmaster a try before finding BeerSmith, but when they decided to release a new product instead of trying to fix what they had, I started looking for better options - and I'm glad I did.  I love the UI and general ease-of-use of BeerSmith mobile.

That said, there are a few things I'd really like to see:
1) A calendar/brew-log feature.  I've seen other users request this, so I won't go into it, just add one more user making the request.
2) Adjust SG to temp - I'd really like to record the measured specific gravity and the temperature that the wort/beer was at, and have the 'actual' SG calculated for me.  Having to go look up a conversion table is a pain.
3) Remove any unused fields.  When I'm using an extract recipe, hide the 'Mash' section on the 'Recipe Session' view.  Same with setting up an equipment profile for extract brewing.

Just some thoughts.

Thanks for a great product!
  Thanks for the ideas.  The desktop version does have a calendar but I've been looking for smart ways to integrate it into the mobile version as well.
  I do appreciate your other suggestions as well - thanks!
