Help on Equipment Profile file update


Oct 20, 2017
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Hello all,

I just bought a 20L equipment from a brew shop here in Brazil. They sent me this file as the correct profile from the equipment:

It turns out that I can not open it neither in Beersmith 2.3 nor 2.2 (MAC versions). I took a look at the file and it was created on October, 2013, only one month before the 2.2 realease. Looks like 2.2 was the first release for MAC, so my guess is that the file was created on an old version (1.4? - windows only) and that?s why I can not open it in my Mac version (2.3)
Could anyone try to open the file? In case of sucess, would be possible to save it in the 2.3 format or at least send me the printscreen so I could manualy insert the data in my version of the software?

Thanks :)

Greetings Luis - try opening the file, do a copy and paste the entire file to a raw text file, then save as *.bsmx, where * is whatever name you want.  It seems the browser wants to view the file, rather than allowing the user to save the file. Then you may be able to import the file into BS. Meantime, I?ll try doing the same when I get to my PC and I?ll check back later.
Okay, it worked.  Here is your Equipment Profile.  I named it "Test".

Hope this helps!

Good Luck!!


Hello Kellier

Thank you very much for the file. It worked!!!!! After your posts I tried other things and I discovered that it's not a matter of file version from the BS. Actually I saw a video showing that old version files work in new versions, it does no matter if its mac or windows.  The problem I had was because I was downloading the file using Safari. It worked after I gave a shot and downloaded it using Chrome. Please don't ask me why! :)
