Hop Harvest Date


New Forum Member
Feb 23, 2015
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Hi. Does anyone know if there is a mechanism within BS to add the year of harvest to a hop profile? I know I can just add it to - say the Origin field, but it would be useful to be able to sort the hops list by harvest date. We have some hops available here in Western Australia that were harvested 3 and 4 years ago. While they have probably been frozen, I don't freeze mine & it would be useful to know when planning a recipe, which hops need to be used. TIA
I do not have a harvest date associated with hop records at this time. I'll make a note of it as a possible addition for the future.
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I just make a copy of the base hop in BS and then edit the copy...for example say Galaxy, I will make a copy of the one in system, then edit the copy to read 2023 Galaxy, etc.
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I add the crop year to the name of the hop (Cascade 2024). If I have more than one crop year of the same hop, I do as @joeinma suggests.
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Hi. Does anyone know if there is a mechanism within BS to add the year of harvest to a hop profile? I know I can just add it to - say the Origin field, but it would be useful to be able to sort the hops list by harvest date. We have some hops available here in Western Australia that were harvested 3 and 4 years ago. While they have probably been frozen, I don't freeze mine & it would be useful to know when planning a recipe, which hops need to be used. TIA
In BS gibt es im Hopfenprofil kein spezifisches Feld für das Erntejahr. Das Hinzufügen zum Feld „Herkunft“ stellt eine gute Lösung dar, ermöglicht jedoch keine Sortierung nach Erntedatum. Leider unterstützt BS derzeit keine Sortierung nach benutzerdefinierten Feldern wie dem Erntedatum. Im Moment müssen Sie möglicherweise eine separate Aufzeichnung oder Tabelle führen, um die Erntejahre zu verfolgen und Ihren Hopfen entsprechend zu priorisieren. Es wäre eine nützliche Funktion, die BS-Entwickler für zukünftige Updates vorzuschlagen.
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