Issues with BeerSmith Web Showing Blank New Recipe Edit Screen


Staff member
Grandmaster Brewer
Apr 5, 2003
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I've only had two instances of this, but after the migration in late Aug of 2024 to a new server, we had two users with the following problem.

Symptom: Creating a New Recipe comes up with a blank screen on the web version showing only the buttons at the top.

Fix: The problem appears to be related to a "default recipe" setting that is either invalid or did not properly copy to the new server.
  1. Open an existing recipe, or if you have no existing web recipes, do a recipe search to find any recipe and then use the "Save a private copy" link to save one to your recipes.
  2. Clear out the ingredients on the recipe, and choose whatever default profiles you want to use for a typical recipe of your own making.
  3. Click on the "Save as Default" button at the top and then press OK on the dialog that pops up to make this recipe your new "default"
  4. Exit the recipe editor and try adding a blank recipe - it should now come up with the settings you selected above as the default.
Had same issue just now, and searched the forum for a solution.
Easily found this topic, and it worked for me.

Good luck fixing it!

I'm new to the tool and forum, and raised eyebrows that my account did not work in this Forum, would have expected a SSO ;-)
I'm glad it worked! The problem is related to importing the database during the recent server migration. I'm working on a fix for it.

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I think I finally put in a permanent fix in the web code. Please post here if you have this issue again, but it should not occur again.