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Managing Your Inventory


Staff member
Grandmaster Brewer
Apr 5, 2003
Reaction score
BeerSmith 1.3 does a better job of managing your inventory of ingredients:

- You can easily create a shopping list for your reicpes by just dragging and dropping them onto the shopping cart, or press the "Add to list" shopping icon.

- Go to shopping list view and print the shopping list out and take it to the store or email it to your online shop.

- After you purchase ingredients, go to the shopping list view and press the "Add List to Inventory" button to add everything to your inventory.

- Anytime you want to view inventory - just open the new inventory view.

- After you brew, open the recipe and press the "Remove from inventory" button and matching ingredients will be removed from inventory.

- You can even search for recipes using the ingredients list .  Use the Find command from any recipe list view, then press the button to "Add All Items In Inventory" and you will have a list of inventory items.  You can then press the "Match Recipes that Use Only these ingredients" button if you want to see what you can brew with in-stock items.

TIP: You need a matching item in your ingredients database for inventories to be updated properly.  If you have items in your recipe that are not in inventory, they will not be updated properly.

Is there a way to add hops to your inventory that have different aa's? Let's say you have a some cascade hops at 4.5 aa and some at 6.5aa. Is there a way to list them separatley?
You can have two different entries for the hops in your hops table with different alpha values.  When the inventory update is done, it will select the hops that has the best possible match (including alpha values).

Happy New Year too!

Is there a way then to show aa's in the inventory list? Without showing that you really don't know what you have.
Not that I know of since you can't add that column directly to the inventory view.

A work-around is to instead include it in the name such as "Cascade (5%)" - this way it will display as part of the name column.

Is there a way to copy and paste my inventory list to my e-mail program?
Is there a way to copy and paste my inventory list to my e-mail program?

I was able to copy my inventory items to the shopping cart and then export that, but I'm wondering if there is an easier way?
 No easier way I can think of at the moment.  I already have this as an item on the "to do" list to correct.


There seems to be stuff in my inventory (that I didn't put there) that I can't delete, the delete option is grey'd out and the delete keyboard key doesn't do anything.

I did a search but didn't seem to find anything, is it something simple I haven't noticed?

The items are carafa I, carafa II, Choc rye malt, choc wheat malt.

  You can't delete items from inventory view as the records are in the individual ingredient databases  - but you can easily change those items by double clicking on each one and then setting the inventory field to zero.

Ah ha, thanks I new it was something simple I was missing.

Cheers ;D