Mobile keyboard not inputting - Android (swiftkey)


Staff member
Grandmaster Brewer
Apr 5, 2003
Reaction score
  I spent three days last week trying to resolve this issue for an Android user.  When he entered data into fields, the keyboard would periodically lock up and not accept additional input.

  We traced this down to a problem with the 'swiftkey' keyboard.  If you are using swiftkey or another third party keyboard plugin, please try going to your Android settings dialog and setting up the Android keyboard, then restart BeerSmith mobile.  This should resolve the problem.

  It turns out that 'swiftkey' and some other plugins have trouble with the mobile web browser, and since the BeerSmith app uses webkit, it is affected.  So far I can't do anything to correct it since its not the app but the Android browser that has the issue.

As a workaround, I defined an automatic switch to Android Keyboard when BeerSmith is open, then automatic switch back to Swiftkey when BeerSmith is no longer in focus. I use Tasker and the Secure Settings plug-in, both are paid applications but highly worth it. You'll need root privileges to configure this automatic switch. Another option which should work and is probably simpler to configure is Keyboard Manager Plus.

A few notes on what I did with using Tasker + Secure Settings:
- I opened Secure Settings, went to to Helper tab to update then selected Install Helper Alternative
- In Tasker, I created two tasks - "Android Keyboard" and "Swiftkey". Each has the following settings: Plugin -> Secure Settings -> Configuration 'Edit' -> Helper Actions -> Input Method -> select method relevant for the task
- I then created a Profile "BeerSmith Workaround" and added Application -> BeerSmith, with "Android Keyboard" as the task, and "Swiftkey" as exit task.