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New Forum Member
Oct 28, 2023
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New to this forum but not new to brewing. I've used beer smith since 2013 and have only used some of the basic features it has. I know it's incredibly robust so I want to learn from you all.


Just my 2 cents... the desktop is more robust with features not found in the app or web versions. I use the desktop for 90% of the heavy lifting... creating recipes, customizing ingredients and beer style sheets. Those recipes, when finished, are sent to the cloud where I can access them on the app which is only used as my brew day companion...mostly for the timer. The web version doesn't support my custom beer styles so I never use it.
Just my 2 cents... the desktop is more robust with features not found in the app or web versions. I use the desktop for 90% of the heavy lifting... creating recipes, customizing ingredients and beer style sheets. Those recipes, when finished, are sent to the cloud where I can access them on the app which is only used as my brew day companion...mostly for the timer. The web version doesn't support my custom beer styles so I never use it.
That's a good shout. I've not used the app but I suspect I would likely use it the same way!

New to this forum but not new to brewing. I've used beer smith since 2013 and have only used some of the basic features it has. I know it's incredibly robust so I want to learn from you all.


Good to know that you are an old user here.
Yeah, now the forum has much more to learn.