recipe name on shopping list


Dec 5, 2019
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I there a way to have a column for the recipe name in the shopping list page and also is there a way to export the shopping list to a .csv format? I am using the desktop version BeerSmith 3.
Unfortunately since you can add a lot of recipes to a single shopping list, it is not currently tracked.

However this is a great idea, so I will add it to my "future features" list.
Right-click on a column heading in the shopping list and select Customize Columns. Add the Notes field and, on my computer, each shopping list entry says what recipe the ingredient is for. Unfortunately, if you add multiple recipes that use the same ingredient and and the amounts get combined, the Notes field only shows the first recipe that called for the ingredient.

To export to a CSV, display the shopping list and select File -> Save Report as CSV.
