Value of Beer Barrel


Nov 20, 2011
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Curious why Beersmith insists that a barrel of beer is 31.5 US gallons when it is certainly only 31?  I hope there is a fix for this as I operate both a 10 bbl brewhouse and a 15 gal pilot brewery and often switch units and scale recipes in Beersmith.  This volume error makes for some irritating inconsistencies in the software's calculations.
  I agree I need to change this - looking back at my notes I was using the "US Barrel" definition which is 31.5 gallons for everything but beer (beer is 31 gallons).

  I believe I set that value back in 2003 and never revisited it.  I'll correct it in an upcoming build as it is a pretty easy fix.

Sorry to revive a dead thread, but I just installed BeerSmith v1.4 and I immediately ran into the volume issue mentioned by the OP.

Is there any fix available for older versions of the software? I'd love to start getting recipes into it but that 2 Liter difference per bbl is going to drive me absolutely insane. FWIW, I tried the updater but it just hung for a while then threw an error message at me, so if the volume of a bbl was fixed via an update, I don't currently have access to it.

Please halp!

It was corrected - the current V3 shows 31 gal per barrel. When I ran version 2.0 it was also fixed there, so its only version 1.4 that has the problem I believe.
I think you're patch for 1.4 then? I need to shell out more $$ for the version that works? hehe
I'm sorry but the 1.4 version was replaced by 2.0 way back in 2011 (13 years ago), so no I have no plans to patch it at this point.
Understood. Thanks for the replies. I'll see about investing in a more current version of the software.
