A little lost


New Forum Member
Dec 23, 2016
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I am hoping to make this recipe http://beersmithrecipes.com/viewrecipe/110016/citra-double-ipa-clone-kern-river-brewing-company-cybi-podcast-version

I get lost in the details or lack there of...

I can see that i am supposed to mash in with 21qt for 60 min and that i am supposed to sparge but where do i find details about the amount and temp of the sparge? Do i just take the boil size less the 21qt?

Use your cloud recipe account to view or download download the recipe into your beersmith software.  The mash, sparge and other processes are part of the recipe.  What you see online is just the ingredients and data about the recipe.  You could reverse engineer the details by entering the ingredients then adjusting values in your own beersmith software. 
thats the one that i did last week and prolly screwed :(
lets say.... water problem!
hope yurs turns well
Standard response number one:

Go to:    howtobrew,com      This is an older, free edition of an excellent introduction to brewing.

Buy the latest version of How to Brew by John Palmer.  It's available in e-book or paperback at:    https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_5_11?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=how+to+brew+4th+edition&sprefix=how+to+brew%2Caps%2C173&crid=2TMBIEXZS3GPR