Adding coffee


Master Brewer
Nov 23, 2018
Reaction score

I'd like to add coffee to a stout recipe I'm experimenting with.  I've never done this before.  Any tips and when and how to add it to the batch?  It's a 5 gallon recipe so advice on how much to add is also appreciated.

I've added whole coffee beans to the secondary on a stout made. I used 6 oz of whole coffee beans in a 5.5 gallon batch, in a hop bag in the secondary and it came out very nice. Good coffee flavor and easy clean up, without any coffee grounds to deal with.
I made a pot of coffee, with a little more coffee than I would usually use, and poured it into the secondary and it turned out very nice!
The only beer I've ever used coffee in was an Amber Ale. I cold steeped a double dose of dark roast in my French Press overnight, pressed and added to the wort at the end of the boil. The result was a definite presence that didn't overshadow or detract from the overall character.
Thanks everyone.  I ended up adding 2 oz. of fine grounds in a muslin bag at the end of the boil, and just added another 2 oz. of very coarse grounds just now (3.5 days into fermentation).  We'll see how it goes.  I've heard great things about the overnight cold steep in the french press.  I'll try that next time.
I think you found a very balanced ratio of coffee, so I'm sure you did very well, but I would like to know what kind of coffee you used. Now I plan to make something similar and I think to use. Judging by the reviews of my friends, this is a great coffee for a good price, but I do not know which type is best to use. I would be happy if you would share your recipe in detail, as I am sure that it will help not only me, but also all the people who accidentally came to this forum. Yes, of course, there are many different recipes on the Internet, but I think that it is still worth listening to the words of a person who already has experience in this! Thank you in advance.
I know I used Starbucks Sumatra blend, but other than that I don't remember much.  I've done a few in the year and half since then, and I used the same coffee every time.  In the batch you're referring to, I remember finding the coffee flavour very bold and some neighbours thought it was too much.  Others liked that aspect of it.  I guess it comes down to the individual.