Aging in a whiskey barrel, what temp.?


Nov 27, 2013
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Houston, TX
I am picking up a 15 gallon used whiskey keg from the distillery that I am planning on aging (30 days) a Black IPA in.  Should I keep it at the same temperature I did for the fermentation or  drop it down to say 40F?
I have no expertise with whiskey kegs, but the brewery I visited last weekend has racks of old wooden kegs sitting out in the hallway aging at room temperature. Incidentally, it's a black IPA.
Hopefully someone else will chime in.
With oak chips, I age at about 67F.  Our brewclub did a barrell brew and we're aging a Belgian Strong/Russian Imperial Stout blend in a 53 gallon whiskey barrell at about 65F.
Ambient room temp, however high or low that temp may be. Why worry about controlling temp with a barrel conditioned beer? The whole point of using the barrel is to get "funk" anyway... Right?
indieg said:
The whole point of using the barrel is to get "funk" anyway... Right?

Nope. It's to get the flavor of the wood and whatever was in there before. Funk is an additional layer at the discretion of the brewer. Brett and lacto beers can be made very well in stainless.