All Custom Recipes and Setting Gone After Upgrade


New Forum Member
Jun 3, 2016
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I recently upgraded my activated copy of BeerSmith 2 to 2.3.7. Today BeerSmith prompted me to enter my activation key during startup, which I did. Now all of my custom recipes and settings are gone. I have invested so much time creating these. Is there any way to restore this information? What did I do wrong?

Ditto...exact same ditto...just posted nearly exact post on lost recipes thread...
Did you try File, Recover from Backup?
jomebrew said:
Did you try File, Recover from Backup?

Yes, I tried that but the backup files had been deleted. It looks like the program did a fresh install, erasing any previous data. Anyway, I'm recreating the recipes and storing them on the cloud now. Too bad I can't save profiles or custom ingredients, etc. on the cloud, only recipes.
Installing the program won't remove any data unless you somehow did a windows install right to the data directory (Documents/BeerSmith2).  Even in that case the backups (numbered ones) are still present.  The BeerSmith program should be installed to the Program Files (or Applications directory on Mac) which will not touch your default data directory which is Documents/BeerSmith2.

In most cases the following procedure will correct any data issues:

  - Rename your "Documents/BeerSmith2" directory to something else like "OldBeerSmith" which saves your data
  - Make sure you have the latest version of BeerSmith 2 installed from the main download page
  - Restart BeerSmith2 - which will create a new BeerSmith 2 directory with the sample recipes in it
  - You will likely have to enter your registration key again
  - Once you have BeerSmith running again, use the Open command to open your old Recipe.bsmx file
    that is now in your "OldBeerSmith" directory  and then copy/paste any recipes you need into
    your new "My Recipes" folder
  - You can do the same with Equipment.bsmx, Hops.bsmx, etc... if you have added items beyond
    those that came with BeerSmith 2
  - If you can't open one of the files (Recipe.bsmx for example), you can also try opening the numbered
    backups (Recipe1.bsmx, Recipe2.bsmx, etc...) - these contain older copies of the original.
  - Let me know if you have any problems - and please keep your "OldBeerSmith" directory around
    (the one you renamed earlier) as it will have all of your data in it!

Another possible case is that you had your data stored somewhere else (not likely but you can change the storage location for data using File->Change Documents Directory).  In this case the data would still be in the "old" location in a set of BSMX files.  You could load the backups similar to the results below.

