Aluminum pot boil rate. Wow!


Jun 28, 2007
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I borrowed my neighbors restaurant sized aluminum pot to boil instead of my usual converted keg. I went from 8 to 6 gal in r 60 minutes. Im guessing the huge surface area is the cause (and maybe the aluminum). does anyone else have such a huge boil rate? (25%)?

So for lighter brews with less original volume, what do you do? top off with water or boil less time?
Don't boil for less than 1 hour.  There is stuff that happens during that time.  Or if you do boil for less time, let us know how it works.
The equation I use is    Boil-off  =  pi x R2 x 0.005  =  gal/hr.  To get a 2 hour boil off in 1 hour would be a 22" diameter pot.  Is that about right?

You can start with more water if you have room, if not then topping off is an option.  You should pre-boil the top water just to be on the save side.  You boil less vigorously.  You definitely want the boil to break the surface, but it doesn't need to be on the edge of out of control.  There are volatiles you do want to boil out so *don't* put a lid on it to reduce the evaporation.

Its a 20 in dia pot. Im thinking I should cut back on the flame.  I and maybe others need to somehow visualize the definition of a  "roiling boil"  And I wonder if the change to aluminum factors in.  Thanks for the equation. I will continue to fine tune on future brews.

These big volume boils of 8-9 gal are now taking about 1/3 less propane, can't complain about that!
So if I understand the equation correct you use 3.24 x 202[sup] x 0.005 = gal to hour evap. ?
dharalson said:
Don't boil for less than 1 hour.  There is stuff that happens during that time.  Or if you do boil for less time, let us know how it works.
The equation I use is    Boil-off  =  pi x R[sup]2 x 0.005  =  gal/hr.  To get a 2 hour boil off in 1 hour would be a 22" diameter pot.  Is that about right?

You can start with more water if you have room, if not then topping off is an option.  You should pre-boil the top water just to be on the save side.  You boil less vigorously.  You definitely want the boil to break the surface, but it doesn't need to be on the edge of out of control.  There are volatiles you do want to boil out so *don't* put a lid on it to reduce the evaporation.
