Any plans for Windows Phone 8?


Master Brewer
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction score
Lincoln, Nebraska
I like Windows 8 enough on my PC that I bought a new Nokia 928 Windows Phone. Of course, it lacks many apps available in the Android Play Store and Apple Store at this time. Is there any plan to release a BeerSmith Mobile version to it? I had been holding out buying the full version until I got a new phone and didn't realize it is not available. I have the Lite on my Kindle Fire, but it would be more handy to have a Full version on my phone.

I'll second this.  I would love to see a Windows Phone 8 version and a Windows 8/RT version (you can use C++ for both platforms so porting your existing code should be easier if it is well architected). 

It sucks having to break out my laptop every time I want to use the brew timer.
I'll third this!  WP8 and a Win8RT version would be great!
Sorry guys, Windows RT was dead on arrival. OS market share for windows phone and tablets was 1.3% june 13.
This thread is mainly a request for the Windows Phone platform.  The market share is a bit higher than what you reference and continues to grow.

If a port was made for Windows Phone and available in the Marketplace, an RT version would seem natural.

I wouldn't write the obituary for RT just yet...
At the same time Windows has never been closer to extinction. IMHO

They have fired the guy in charge of writing their operating systems, they want to go to a monthly subsciption (ala beersmith) for their only meaningful software (office), and hardware manufacturers have pulled themselves from distributing RT based machines due to losses.
I think the idea that Windows has never been closer to extinction is extremely shortsighted.  Windows Phone market share got off to an extremely slow start because they were late to market and didn't anticipate the success of the iPhone but their market share is growing (more quickly in Germany and many other countries than in the United States, but it is growing here as well).  In the meantime companies like Nokia are bringing devices like the Lumia 1020 to market with hardware like 41MP cameras, the likes of which are unheard of. 

Microsoft certainly has more competition than they have ever faced before, and that is a good thing.  As a result, Microsoft is learning to become more nimble, reorganizing itself into a software and services company, Ballmer is leaving along with Sinofsky, and as a result the future for Microsoft has probably never been brighter.  Windows 8.1 is on the horizon (as a free update), the operating system is solid, quick to boot, leaner than Windows 7, fast, and fluid.

Windows continues to thrive in the enterprise and is growing in the cloud and that doesn't look to change any time soon.  In the meantime Bing is slowly creeping up in market share as well. 

In short, it is a mistake to just write off a company like Microsoft and decide to ignore a platform and insult your users.  If grathan's opinion represents Beersmith and Beersmith has no interest in continuing to support the Windows platform than I clearly need to look elsewhere for my brewing software.

I will continue to monitor this and if there is no action to update Brewsmith for the Windows platform soon expect to see a kickstarter project to build some new software which is truly platform agnostic.
Brad may spend months of his life coding a windows phone version for you and 5 other people. who knows. I've got my fingers crossed for you and your kickstarter aspirations as well. I'm waiting on a Blackberry mobile version myself.

LunkwillAndFook said:
If grathan's opinion represents Beersmith and Beersmith has no interest in continuing to support the Windows platform than I clearly need to look elsewhere for my brewing software.

I will continue to monitor this and if there is no action to update Brewsmith for the Windows platform soon expect to see a kickstarter project to build some new software which is truly platform agnostic.

First off, forum user opinions are their own. Brad Smith speaks for BeerSmith. He's never said he wouldn't support a platform.

OTOH, to say BeerSmith is a small company would be to overstate it. It is very much a cottage enterprise, complete with all the inherent informality. The "full" mobile version has only just been released. To look for cutting edge platform support, before those have matured, is not even remotely fair.

As of his last blog post, Brad's main focus is addressing some much needed updates to the main software. In the meantime, I've seen at least two updates to the iPhone version, already.

As for Win 8 and 8.1, I don't share your opinion. I used to enjoy my computer. I bought a new Win 8 machine in April and now I loathe my computer. Inability to resolve it's own conflicts is maddening. My computer runs slower than an old DOS 486 machine I once used. It took two hours with tech support remotely operating my computer, just to install Office....  :o

I'm going to wait for MS to mature their OS before worrying if BeerSmith is writing for it.
Sorry you don't share my opinion. Not sure what you're running as a PC but if you are finding Windows 8 slower than Windows 7 I must say I think you have some operator error problems, such as installing software from Russian file-sharing sites.

For those of us on the forums who have been waiting years for a Windows 8.x and Windows Phone 8.x version of Beersmith, you maywant to try It works on any device, it still has most of the features of Beersmith, and they seem committed to improving it. It also makes it very easy to share recipes.

No, I don't work for them. I've just been waiting for several years for a Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 app and it doesn't look like Beersmith is going to get around to making one so I guess it is time to move on.
grathan said:
Beersmith doesn't work on Windows 8?

It works great on Windows 8, but is not a true Windows 8 program. Windows 8 & 8.1 will run most any software designed for Windows 7. In fact, it is much faster on my Windows 8.1 PC than my Windows 7 laptop. Beersmith really doesn't need to do anything with their PC version. Having an app compatible with Windows Phone 8 would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath.