are my recipes stored in recipe.bsm or a seperate file?

  • Thread starter Thread starter stevea1210
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I have read where occasionally people have issues with losing their recipes (rare, but it can happen).  I want to ensure that I don't have that happen. 

I am looking in the program files\beersmith folder, and I see many bsm files, but not individual ones for my personal recipes.  Are they just added to the recipe.bsm, and that is the file I need to ensure to backup?  I know I can export a single recipe to a bsm file, so  I was expecting a seperate .bsm for each recipe.  Can someone clarify?  Thanks.

BTW, I'm running beersmith under wine in ubuntu.  ls -aR |grep bsm (for windows users, that is a search in the beersmith folder for all bsm files)  gives me:
  All of the recipes are in Recipes.bsm

  Any additional ingredients or notes you might have created are in the other respective files (hops.bsm, etc...).

  If you back up the BeerSmith folder periodically you should be fine.  Also if you save off all of the BSM files you will have all of your brewing data.

Is this different on Vista for some reason?  I don't see the .bsm files being updated.  I usually move them from one computer to another to keep multiple copies updated, but it's not working now.
  OK - I learned something new today.  If you go to the "C:\Program Files\BeerSmith" directory under vista you will see an old Recipes.bsm file.  If you click on "Compatibility files" in file explorer while exploring the BeerSmith directory you will see the actual Recipes.bsm file that is being used by your program under Vista.

  Apparently vista writes to a "compatibility location" if you don't have permission to write to the default program files directory.  The files get stored under a different location (in my case C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\BeerSmith -- where NAME is your user name).  Very likely that is where your BSM files are.

  Another great feature of Vista, and very likely the source of the many bugs people have reported with losing files and also being unable to fix the "newopts14.opts" bug by deleting the file.

  I guess the good news is that I now know how to fix most of the strange vista bugs people have reported...

I just moved my Beersmith folder onto an external drive so I could take it with me to work and play with recipes in my lunch break. The first time I fired it up after the move I just about sh@t my pants. I thought I lost everything for the past 6 months.
Thanks for pointing this Compatibility Files thing out. Vista is such a load of crap. Just when you think you were backing everything up properly, you go and find this out. I wonder how many users have lost data because of this?

Cheers again.
  My apologies - I'm as frustrated with Vista as anyone.  For the new version I'm working on, all of the data goes into a directory under the "Documents" directory.

  In fact, one way to prevent this from happening again is to just install BeerSmith directly to a subdirectory under "My Documents" which avoids the whole compatibility problem.

Brad, no apologies required, and I certainly wasn't pointing the finger in your direction.

But what's this you say about a new version  :D.  The Documents location is great. I re-path it to a different location too so it's off the C-Drive and all the docs are in a single location for easy backup. Love your work!
Hi Brad - I have a similar issue as above in respect to moving Beersmith from my MAC Hard Drive to an External Hard Drive. I have done a search for Recipes.bsm but no luck. I can see Recipes1.bsmx, Recipes2..3...4 and 5.  i am a complete numpty when it comes to computers so any guidance in finding my recipes would be very much appreciated