

Jan 2, 2017
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I am guessing that somewhere I have turned on an autosave feature or something but every time I open a recipe and tweak anything it makes the change permanent. I am not hitting the ok button or the save, I just make a change to see the effect, then close it. When I open the recipe the change is still there.

Can I not fiddle with the recipe without having to make a copy first so I don't lose my original?
Make sure you are closing the recipe by clicking on 'cancel' and not 'ok'.  the 'OK' saves the recipe when closing, the 'cancel' does not save the recipe at all.  Alternatively, you can close a recipe by clicking on the 'x' in the window tab where you will be asked if you want to save it or not.

I do the recipe "what-ifs" all the time and have no problem with keeping the original recipe intact as long as I follow the directions above.
Thank you for the response. I have been closing by the "x" but it's not asking if I wish to save, it just closes and when I go back the changes are there. That is why I think I must have changed a setting somewhere.
I sure did, I just hadn't dug deep enough to find it under the "Look and Feel" settings.