Batch Sparge times? what are they?


Oct 27, 2010
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I notice when I do a beer recipe and print out the brew sheet it shows when to do a sparge as in Sparge round 1, sparge round 2, etc...but never notes how long to sparge.....I select single infusion, full body, batch sparge....what is the proper amount of time to let the batch sparge water sit?  I read different numbers and I used 10min....I see 20, 40, 60, brew efficiency is like 62%....

Is there a setting I am missing?  I use a 5gal Gott cooler....
You can drain the first runnings as fast you're able to.  For the second batch, you don't need to let it sit for any certain amount of time.  You should just stir the water and grist until everything is thoroughly combined, recirculate and drain again.

That's a benefit of batch sparging.  No need to sparge at a certain rate.
What do you mean by "recirculate"?  Just the first couple ounces when you open the valve? or the whole qty of wort that comes out?
You may be familiar with the term vorlauf, it's the same thing.

You're drawing off wort from the mash tun to set the grain bed.  When properly done, this removes chunks of grain from the wort and sets the grain bed up to act as a filter.
Here's Denny Conn's full explanation of batch sparging.  This may be helpful.