BeerSmith 2.3.7 Open Beta - Some Fixes for 2.3


Staff member
Grandmaster Brewer
Apr 5, 2003
Reaction score
I know a lot of people wanted a few patches to 2.3.6 so I put together a beta version with some fixes.  I plan to release it fully after some additional testing, so use at your own risk.  Post problems you find here.

The 2.3.6 release is still on the download page if you run into any problems and need to downgrade.  -- For Windows  -- For Mac (10.9 or higher)  -- For Ubuntu Linux 16.04 -- For Ubuntu Linux 14.04  -- French windows build

Fixes in the 2.3.7 patch
– “Update Prices” in design tab now will update the water prices as well (previously did not)
– Corrected main recipe report templates to provide better printouts and use slightly smaller fonts
– Dragging left side to resize window rapidly in Win 10 could cause a crash – corrected
– Fixed issue with font scaling on Win 10 causing blurry fonts – marked app as DPIAware to correct
– Corrected issue with notes field not scrolling properly using mouse wheel
– Corrected bug where zero boil time hops were not carried over to whirlpool
– Narrowed design screen display slightly by adjusting labels to accomodate those with narrow screens

Unless we find major issues with the patch this will be the next release in a week or two.
Just a heads up, with this version I get a blank calendar that has garbled numbers when I first open it. It corrects itself when I hit "next month" and then come back to the current one.
Just an FYI.

Thanks for a great application.

Thanks - I see the problem here under Windows which is interesting as I've not changed any of the calendar code!  I'm going to fix it with the next patch though.  I'm planning at least one more patch in a few weeks once I've rounded up all of the small issues.

I continue to have the same printing problem of over-sized fonts.  Running El Cap 10.11.6.  Switched back to v2.2.
I'm working on a "scaling" factor for printouts that you can set for the next patch which will be out in a week or two.

None of the Blichmann add-ons work. If you add them only one will show up. Works fine in 2.2.13

Just installed the new 2.3.7, but I have found a problem.
I can click on all the above except for mash. Also all the icons except for mash blink as if I have clicked on them (as starter is looking now) for a split second the first time i hover the mouse over the button and then goes back to gray.
The mash is disabled because you have the recipe type set to "extract" on the design tab.  Set it to all grain and you can access the mash tab again.  There is no mashing for extract recipes.

BeerSmith said:
The mash is disabled because you have the recipe type set to "extract" on the design tab.  Set it to all grain and you can access the mash tab again.  There is no mashing for extract recipes.


Oops! That sorted it out, thank you for the super fast reply.
I am using 2.3.7 on the mac (10.11.6) and still having the printout problem - reports that used to print out nicely on one sheet of paper now take two with lots of white space and very large fonts. Are others having this problem?
I have a new beta version 2.3.8 which is in testing now and should be out shortly which allows scaling of reports and should resolve this once and for all.  It should be out shortly.

I just posted the 2.3.8 open beta at the top of this discussion board.  Hoping to get it released formally in a few more days.
