Beersmith keeps crashing...

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Mad Scientist

It's been about a couple of weeks since my last brew.  I was planning on brewing tomorrow, so I went to open beersmith and first look at an older recipe before making a new recipe.  I double clicked the recipe, and beersmith crashed.  I re-opened it, and single clicked on the recipe, and it read the recipe, and allowed me to view it in the lower window of the Beersmith interface.
Double clicking then crashed it again.
After re-opening, I tried the new recipe option, and again a crash.  After restarting, everything crashed as before.  I went to the website, got the most recent verson (V1.4, build 036), and all the same.

Seemingly, everyting else works, but I cannot do anything that involves changing a recipe.  I am running Vista.  Please, please help.
  Its difficult to tell what might be happening, but well get you up and running!

  1) First (and always!) make a complete backup copy of your C:\Program Files\BeerSmith directory so you don't risk losing any data
  2) After you have a complete backup copy, you can consider moving or removing the directory and then reinstall BeerSmith from scratch
  3) Assuming that works, try importing your Recipes.bsm and other files as needed into your fresh copy from the backup directory
  4) If you are still having problems - please email a copy of the Recipes.bsm file that you are having trouble with and I will run a debugger against it here to see what is wrong!  Its possible you have a corrupt file for some reason.

Actually, after making this post, I came across the same instructions in another thread.  It worked fine.  Not sure what happened...something was not happy.  Thanks for the quick response.
This is an ongoing problem for me requiring a complete reinstall at least once. It has happened again today while trying to print brew instructions 5 min before mash in. Can this be fixed properly or is thi8s programj simply unstable in which case I will look for another.

rgds mike
- Which operating system are you running?
- Have you installed the latest version?

V1.4 Build 037 Running from USB on Win XP (desktop), Although I tried to install it on my new Laptop running Vista but it wouldn't accept the Registration key,
Thanks Mike,
  One user sent me his entire directory recently and I'm hoping to run it through the debugger to see if I can nail this down.  It appears to be happening more frequently if you are not running from the C:\Program Files directory or running from an external drive - not sure why.

  There is no reason your laptop should not accept the key - I have a laptop running Vista and BeerSmith and it works just fine.  Did you make sure you entered zero's rather than 'o' (Oh's) in the key?  If you can't install - send me the key and I will send you another one.

I have it installed on my USB stick as we arn't allowed to install anything on the work computers and I don't usually have my laptop at work. So at home I just use it from the usb if i'm using the desktop machine (it is only ever running on one puter just not the same one) Do you think it is the fact that it is on the usb that is the problem?

The last time it failed i had made a small adjustment to water volumes in an existing recipe, saved printed and exited.

Next time the recipe was there (changed the name to reflect the adjustment) but unable to open any recipe for editing.  I also tried rolling back to the previous good database which seemed to work (lost the changed recipe) but still unable to open any recipe.

I had a play last night and ALL beersmith functions appear to work except actually being able to edit recipes. I didn't think to try the new recipe button and have already fixed it unfortunately.

Fixed the laptop install as well - think i was putting in an i instead of 1

rgds mike
  I put together a patch to fix this but I need a few people to test it.  Email or PM me if interested.

  Thanks - I sent you an email.

Hi Brad,

    Id like to try the patch. I am running beersmith on my laptop w/vista. I have faith in the software but this will be the second time this has happened. As the original post I cannot open the recepie to edit view, I can only see the preview. It could be partial user error too. On this recipie (from the top center portion) I had click dragged the recipie icon from my recipies to brewlog folder icon above it, saw the button to copy to brewlog, then dragged it back to my recipies and clicked send copy to brew log so I had it in both places. I cannot open from either without crashing now. I will try not to do that again, but do you think this did anything to the file?

I also might have a question on the recipie itself (a wee heavy that is brewing and tastes really good so far) but I will save that for another post after I get running again.

Thanks Brad!
  I sent you an email with the link to the beta patch.

I too have had this problem when running from my work environment,  always worked when I reopened it.  Un-predictable as to what would cause it I think I change my mind about where I want to go and get hung up by the slower memory speed of the thumb drive)

For those of you running the software from a USB flash drive I have a found a solution to the crashing that worked for me. 

Open your USB drive and right-click the folder that BeerSmith is installed in and select Properties
Even though the Read-only Box is grayed out, un-check the box next to Read-only
When prompted, select apply to folder and all files and sub-folders
Open BeerSmith and you should be good to go

Kopf said:
Open your USB drive and right-click the folder that BeerSmith is installed in and select Properties
Even the the Read-only Box is grayed out, un-check the box next to Read-only
When prompted, select apply to folder and all files and sub-folders
Open BeerSmith and you should be good to go


Thanks Kopf,
  This does make sense as BeerSmith needs to write to the USB drive and all directories under the install directory.  Thanks for the great tip!
