Bohemia Mexican Lager


New Forum Member
Apr 25, 2011
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Has anyone brewed Bohemia Mexican Lager? I am mostly interested in the hops used.
Just drank a ton of it in Mexico and it is by far my favorite beer down there.

I threw the same question some time back. Not much interest in this beer. Which one did you have? Bohemia clasica or bohemia obscura? Both are very good, but in pilsners the clasica is my favorite choice number one. I have done some research, but came up with almost nothing. In some places they talked about styrian goldings. But I dont know wich one. im gonna try Bobek on my next try. if you are american, maybe american tettnang. I dont know how it is compared to german tettnang.
In my latest kölsh I used northern brewer and tettnanger, but I dont reach the hoppy flavour cuautemoc has achieved in this very fine brew. They had a bohemia weiss a year back in mexico. They used Mt Hood in that one. But it didnt reach the hoppy flavour either as in clasica.
Hope someone here can bring some clarity in this matter. In sweden we have a forum, and a few people here has picked up interest in my questions. Maybe some day soon someone can give us a tip.
if you get down to mexico in late october to mid januar, by a 12-pack of nochebuenas! 124 pesos. Like 10 dollars or something.... Sit down in shade and just have plenty. Save a few to bring home, because you wanna clone that one later!
But in the hop area of this beer, its a bit similar as Bohemia Clasica in the hop flavour. ofcourse the dark maltiness is very different.
But if someone can find out the hops there, maybe we are on the right track for the pilsner........
hey scary eyes. can you post that corona clone you made in bsm format?
Yes I will. But for now I dont have my beersmith, cause i just got myself a mac when the pc died. And I been told I have to wait until june before I get the mac version. And then I tell you how it tastes too.