BS 2 won't boot MAC


Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Puget Sound, Wa
This one is baffling me. I have been running BS2 on my mac (10.5/32 bit/intel) for over a year now and truthfully the application rarely gets closed. I was using it just a couple of days ago and then yesterday I tried to open it up and she won't boot up! All I get is the bouncing icon in the dock (which stops after a bit) and the beach ball of death. I have force quit, restarted, removed the files (well, just moved them to preserve data) and re-installed with a fresh download to no avail. Any thoughts?
  The "worst case" recovery process for a corrupt file in BeerSmith 2 is as follows:
  - Rename your "Documents/BeerSmith2" directory to something else like "OldBeerSmith" which saves your data
  - Make sure you have the latest version of BeerSmith 2 installed from the main download page
  - Restart BeerSmith2 - which will create a new BeerSmith 2 directory with the sample recipes in it
  - You will likely have to enter your registration key again
  - Once you have BeerSmith running again, use the Open command to open your old Recipe.bsmx file
    that is now in your "OldBeerSmith" directory  and then copy/paste any recipes you need into
    your new "My Recipes" folder
  - You can do the same with Equipment.bsmx, Hops.bsmx, etc... if you have added items beyond
    those that came with BeerSmith 2
  - If you can't open one of the files (Recipe.bsmx for example), you can also try opening the numbered
    backups (Recipe1.bsmx, Recipe2.bsmx, etc...) - these contain older copies of the original.
  - Let me know if you have any problems - and please keep your "OldBeerSmith" directory around
    (the one you renamed earlier) as it will have all of your data in it!

That doesn't sound too far off from what I have already tried. I moved the beersmith2 directory, which is the equivalent of renaming it, deleted BS2 out of apps, and reinstalled. My idea had been to do exactly what you're saying but the program won't open fully so there must be a bigger issue than something in the documents/beersmith2 directory being corrupt. Have you seen such an issue before?
One potential issue - are you running the 32 bit version on Mountain Lion?  You need the 64 bit version of BeerSmith as Apple dropped support for the older 32 bit SDK in their latest OSX release.

Unfortunately I am not. I got excited for a minute that you may have stumbled upon the answer. I'm still in the dark ages of Snow Leopard (10.6.8) running on a MacBookPro4,1 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, which I believe is a 32-bit processor. Do I need to upgrade to Mountain Lion and BS2 64-bit? It seems odd that it was working fine the other day and then randomly ceased to boot. I just tried the 64 bit version (previously trying the 32) and it, too failed to launch. The BS2 directory in documents is not being populated by any of these later attempts, either. Any other ideas? Thanks, Brad.
No - the 32 bit should still run for you.

Is it possible (not sure) that you are somehow running an old version.  I've had some people running BeerSmith from their task bar and later they find out it is actually pointed to an old version installed somewhere else on your computer.

Renaming your Documents/BeerSmith2 directory should clear out everything and essentially give you a clean install.

I wish it were something so simple but I'm positive that I am trying to run the new install because I'm opening it from the applications folder directly after copying it there from the .dmg that comes down from the site.

I'm starting to wonder if I shouldn't upgrade to mountain lion and then install the 64-bit version? Restarting, repairing permissions, deleting, and reinstalling have all accomplished nothing. I'm at a bit of a loss.

  I'm at a loss as well - I'm going to fire up my old Mac here to see if I can determine anything.  I don't really think you need to upgrade your OS.

  One more thought though - did you ever Change the Documents directory (File menu) to something else?  If you did your program might remember that even if you delete/change things so that could be a problem.  Let me know if this is the case as there is another file/setting you might need to delete to reset everything.


I had previously not renamed the directory but rather only moved it to the desktop. I have since tried renaming it and moving it with fresh installs, all to no avail. So perhaps my last bastion of hope is in this mystery file you mention. Can you tell me about it?

  If you have a really old version of BeerSmith2 you need to check the global location "/Library/Application Support/BeerSmith2/install_dir.txt" - and remove that.

  All but the oldest BeerSmith2 version saves it under your UserData dir which is "~/Library/Application Support/BeerSmith2/bsdir.txt" - under your Home Directory for your user.  If you remove that file it will force the program to use Documents/BeerSmith2 to store data by default.


I looked at those locations this morning and found nothing in the global library, so I must have been using a more up-to-date version. I then went to the user library and found the BeerSmith2 folder in App Support but the folder was empty. Thinking that the file could possibly have been "hidden", I deleted the whole folder. I made sure there was no BS2 folder in documents and pulled a clean BS2 app off of the DMG but the same thing happened. Do you think the fact that the bsdir.txt file was missing could be the problem?

No - it would only be there if you had moved your directory from the default location at some point.

Let me try to see if I can load up my old Mac tonight and gain any insights from it.  I have one with 10.6 installed.

Just fired up my Mac running 10.6.8 and updated it to the latest Apple updates.  Ran BeerSmith2 on it with no issues.

Are you running 10.5 or 10.6?  I ask because your original message said 10.5 and the later one said 10.6.  I have a 10.5 I can test on as well.

Again, if you move/rename the Documents/BeerSmith2 directory and reinstall the app it will clear everything out and should be the equivalent of a clean install.  I'm assuming you have downloaded the latest BeerSmith 2.1 in 32 bit from our downloads directory.

Also what error message do you get when you run the program?  Do you have a dump or screenshot you can send me?

Hi Brad,

Sorry about the confusion. I am running 10.6.8, not 10.5. I was guessing when I wrote the first post. I am running fresh downloads from the BS website. The version listed in Get Info is 2, but I am assuming whatever I'm pulling down is as up to date as you can get. I don't actually ever get an error message. The icon bounces in the dock, then stops, and if you watch in the "Force Quit" dialog, the app appears open, then goes to "not responding". Upon a force quit, I can generate a report but it is so long that it is crashing every word processing app I try to put it into. Here is the first bit:

Date/Time:      2012-10-14 11:16:03 -0700
OS Version:      10.6.8 (Build 10K549)
Architecture:    x86_64
Report Version:  7

Command:        BeerSmith2
Path:            /Applications/
Version:        2 (2.0.51)
Parent:          launchd [120]

PID:            56820
Event:          hang
Duration:        5.29s (sampling started after 2 seconds)
Steps:          13 (100ms sampling interval)

Pageins:        4
Pageouts:        0

Process:        BeerSmith2 [56820]
Path:            /Applications/
UID:            503

  Thread 3fccf      DispatchQueue 100
  User stack:
    13 start + 54 (in BeerSmith2) [0x2e3e]
      13 main + 24 (in BeerSmith2) [0x5a00]
        13 wxEntry(int&, char**) + 63 (in BeerSmith2) [0x3d10cd]
          13 wxEntry(int&, wchar_t**) + 122 (in BeerSmith2) [0x3d0cc2]
            13 wxApp::CallOnInit() + 36 (in BeerSmith2) [0x1d3dc8]
              13 BSApp::OnInit() + 152 (in BeerSmith2) [0x67a6]
                13 SLib::Init(wchar_t const*) + 142 (in BeerSmith2) [0xf4508]
                  13 wxHtmlEasyPrinting::wxHtmlEasyPrinting(wxString const&, wxWindow*) + 443 (in BeerSmith2) [0x14ab03]
                    13 wxPageSetupDialogData::wxPageSetupDialogData() + 123 (in BeerSmith2) [0x265333]
                      13 wxPrintData::wxPrintData() + 271 (in BeerSmith2) [0x264d7d]
                        13 wxNativePrintFactory::CreatePrintNativeData() + 11 (in BeerSmith2) [0x2e3459]
                          13 wxOSXCreatePrintData() + 33 (in BeerSmith2) [0x1ac87f]
                            13 wxOSXCarbonPrintData::wxOSXCarbonPrintData() + 53 (in BeerSmith2) [0x1ac767]
                              13 PMCreateSession + 80 (in PrintCore) [0x90baea64]
                                13 PJCCreateSession(OpaquePMPrintSession**) + 51 (in PrintCore) [0x90baeb24]
                                  13 OpaquePMPrintSession::OpaquePMPrintSession(OpaquePMPrintSession*) + 409 (in PrintCore) [0x90baed87]
                                    13 OpaquePMPrintSession::SetCurrentPrinter() + 120 (in PrintCore) [0x90baf03a]
                                      13 CUPSPrinter::CUPSPrinter() + 25 (in PrintCore) [0x90baf09d]
                                        13 OpaquePMPrinter::OpaquePMPrinter() + 313 (in PrintCore) [0x90baf26d]
                                          13 CPLCopyDefaultPrinterName + 132 (in PrintCore) [0x90baf40d]
                                            13 cachedCupsGetDests + 183 (in PrintCore) [0x90be7aa3]
                                              13 cupsGetDests + 25 (in libcups.2.dylib) [0x93a43177]
                                                13 cupsGetDests2 + 125 (in libcups.2.dylib) [0x93a42ddd]
                                                  13 cupsFreeDests + 871 (in libcups.2.dylib) [0x93a41373]
                                                    13 cupsDoRequest + 47 (in libcups.2.dylib) [0x93a5afd6]
                                                      13 cupsDoIORequest + 830 (in libcups.2.dylib) [0x93a5aec3]
                                                        13 cupsGetResponse + 103 (in libcups.2.dylib) [0x93a5aa60]
                                                          13 httpUpdate + 65 (in libcups.2.dylib) [0x93a35bd4]
                                                            13 httpGetLength + 237 (in libcups.2.dylib) [0x93a476f3]
                                                              13 httpGets + 212 (in libcups.2.dylib) [0x93a3519c]
                                                                13 recvfrom$UNIX2003 + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x938a70d6]
  Kernel stack:
    13 lo_unix_scall + 280 [0x2a1fd8]
      13 unix_syscall + 579 [0x4f7f90]
        13 recvfrom_nocancel + 325 [0x4bf0ab]
          13 shutdown + 501 [0x4be905]
            13 soreceive + 1134 [0x4b959f]
              13 sbwait + 150 [0x4bb742]
                13 msleep + 157 [0x49149d]
                  13 wakeup + 334 [0x490daa]
                    13 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221d42]
                      13 thread_block + 33 [0x227654]
                        13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2275c6]
                          13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x227327]
                            13 machine_switch_context + 659 [0x2a9adb]

  Thread 3fce6      DispatchQueue 1634545000
  User stack:
    13 start_wqthread + 30 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x9388f5c6]
      13 _pthread_wqthread + 390 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x9388f781]
        13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 240 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x9388fcfe]
          13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 163 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x9388ff59]
            13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x93890382]
  Kernel stack:
    13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699]

  Binary Images:
      0x1000 -  0x694ffb  com.BeerSmithLLC.BeerSmith2 2 (2.0.51) <7302A174-F0F9-5EEF-959D-D462F907F9DF> /Applications/
  0x90bad000 - 0x90c3ffe7 6.3 (312.7) <7410D1B2-655D-68DA-D4B9-2C65747B6817> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/PrintCore.framework/Versions/A/PrintCore
  0x93869000 - 0x93a10ff7  libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <2DCD13E3-1BD1-6F25-119A-3863A3848B90> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
  0x93a30000 - 0x93a6aff7  libcups.2.dylib ??? (???) <A6C207E3-7B42-926D-9C93-BE3F50B92496> /usr/lib/libcups.2.dylib

Process:        AirPort Base Station Agent [148]
Path:            /System/Library/CoreServices/AirPort Base Station Base Station Agent
UID:            503

  Thread 323        DispatchQueue 1
  User stack:
    13 ??? (in AirPort Base Station Agent + 5692) [0x10000163c]
      13 NSApplicationMain + 364 (in AppKit) [0x7fff84f383b0]
        13 -[NSApplication run] + 395 (in AppKit) [0x7fff84f3f68f]
          13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155 (in AppKit) [0x7fff84f79801]
            13 _DPSNextEvent + 708 (in AppKit) [0x7fff84f79eb2]
              13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff8850c4ac]
                13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff8850c5f3]
                  13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff8850c7ee]
                    13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff82741d8f]
                      13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff82742902]
                        13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8387ed7a]
  Kernel stack:
    13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84]

  Thread 343        DispatchQueue 2
  User stack:
    13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83898aa5]
      13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83898c08]
        13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838992de]
          13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838997b4]
            13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83897c0a]
  Kernel stack:
    13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699]

  Thread 360     
  User stack:
    13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838b7e89]
      13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838b7fd6]
        13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c2932]
  Kernel stack:
    13 sleep + 52 [0x49115a]

  Thread 362     
  User stack:
    13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838b7e89]
      13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838b7fd6]
        13 ??? (in AirPort Base Station Agent + 117988) [0x10001cce4]
          13 ??? (in AirPort Base Station Agent + 106856) [0x10001a168]
            13 ??? (in AirPort Base Station Agent + 118817) [0x10001d021]
              13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838b9a6a]
  Kernel stack:
    13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a88f]

  Binary Images:
        0x100000000 -        0x100027fff 1.5.5 (155.2) <00010203-0405-0607-0809-0A0B0C0D0E0F> /System/Library/CoreServices/AirPort Base Station Base Station Agent
      0x7fff826f6000 -    0x7fff8286dfe7 6.6.6 (550.44) <BB4E5158-E47A-39D3-2561-96CB49FA82D4> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
      0x7fff8387e000 -    0x7fff83a3ffef  libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
      0x7fff84f36000 -    0x7fff85930ff7 6.6.8 (1038.36) <4CFBE04C-8FB3-B0EA-8DDB-7E7D10E9D251> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
      0x7fff884de000 -    0x7fff887dcfff 1.6.5 (???) <AD1C18F6-51CB-7E39-35DD-F16B1EB978A8> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox

Process:        Android File Transfer Agent [169]
Path:            /Users/JackP/Library/Application Support/Google/Android File Transfer/Android File Transfer File Transfer Agent
UID:            503

Process:        applepushserviced [229]
Path:            /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ApplePushService.framework/applepushserviced
UID:            0

  Thread 54b        DispatchQueue 1
  User stack:
    13 ??? (in applepushserviced + 4164) [0x100001044]
      13 ??? (in applepushserviced + 4319) [0x1000010df]
        13 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 77 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8476aa53]
          13 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 270 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8476ab74]
            13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff82741d8f]
              13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff82742902]
                13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8387ed7a]
  Kernel stack:
    13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84]

  Thread 54d        DispatchQueue 2
  User stack:
    13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83898aa5]
      13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83898c08]
        13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838992de]
          13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838997b4]
            13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83897c0a]
  Kernel stack:
    13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699]

  Thread 550     
  User stack:
    13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838b7e89]
      13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838b7fd6]
        13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c2932]
  Kernel stack:
    13 sleep + 52 [0x49115a]

  Thread 3ff59   
  User stack:
    1 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83898aa5]
      1 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83898a2a]
  Kernel stack:
    1 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4d4581]

  Binary Images:
        0x100000000 -        0x100066fef  applepushserviced ??? (???) <574F96F1-1FA9-9281-C78F-933EE0DA5E53> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ApplePushService.framework/applepushserviced
      0x7fff826f6000 -    0x7fff8286dfe7 6.6.6 (550.44) <BB4E5158-E47A-39D3-2561-96CB49FA82D4> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
      0x7fff8387e000 -    0x7fff83a3ffef  libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
      0x7fff8471f000 -    0x7fff849a1fff 6.6.8 (751.63) <E10E4DB4-9D5E-54A8-3FB6-2A82426066E4> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation

Process:        AppleSpell [56854]
Path:            /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell
UID:            503

  Thread 3fde0      DispatchQueue 1
  User stack:
    13 ??? (in AppleSpell + 4816) [0x1000012d0]
      13 ??? (in AppleSpell + 5472) [0x100001560]
        13 -[NSSpellServer run] + 72 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8479e0de]
          13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff82741b16]
            13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff82741d8f]
              13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff82742902]
                13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8387ed7a]
  Kernel stack:
    13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210d84]

  Thread 3fde1      DispatchQueue 2
  User stack:
    13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83898aa5]
      13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83898c08]
        13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838992de]
          13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838997b4]
            13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83897c0a]
  Kernel stack:
    13 kevent + 97 [0x47a699]

  Binary Images:
        0x100000000 -        0x1000a9fe7 1.6.2 (62.2) <B3C504CB-5E66-639E-9F2A-2F184565496A> /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell
      0x7fff826f6000 -    0x7fff8286dfe7 6.6.6 (550.44) <BB4E5158-E47A-39D3-2561-96CB49FA82D4> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
      0x7fff8387e000 -    0x7fff83a3ffef  libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <9AB4F1D1-89DC-0E8A-DC8E-A4FE4D69DB69> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
      0x7fff8471f000 -    0x7fff849a1fff 6.6.8 (751.63) <E10E4DB4-9D5E-54A8-3FB6-2A82426066E4> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
That is actually very helpful.  It looks like the program is in an infinite loop trying to initialize your printer.

Did you install a new printer driver recently?

Just as a test, could you try unplugging your printer or setting another printer such as the PDF printer as default?  It may be that there is some kind of conflict with the printer driver and BeerSmith.  I know some Epson printers were having trouble printing from the 32 bit version of BeerSmith, so it could be related to that.


I grabbed another computer and replaced the BS2 directory with my old one and it booted up with all of my old data/recipes/equip exactly as I left it. I then went ahead and updated my computer to 10.8.2, installed the 64-bit edition of BS2, verified that it worked, and then replaced the directory with my old one. Everything is there and the app seems to be working fine. Thanks for all of your effort trying to figure this out. I wish we had figured out the cause of the issue, but I honestly think it was something wrong with my machine, not BS2. But it's working again and my recipes are safe!

BeerSmith said:
That is actually very helpful.  It looks like the program is in an infinite loop trying to initialize your printer.

Did you install a new printer driver recently?

Just as a test, could you try unplugging your printer or setting another printer such as the PDF printer as default?  It may be that there is some kind of conflict with the printer driver and BeerSmith.  I know some Epson printers were having trouble printing from the 32 bit version of BeerSmith, so it could be related to that.


To respond to your thoughts directly, I have not installed any new printers lately - not in the last two months at least. I did install a new printer about 2 months ago for which I did have to alter some code to allow it to work. It's a Samsung ML-1740 that isn't supposed to work with Macs. I wonder if that could have anything to do with it? It seems to me that the problem would have cropped up immediately and not waited a while.

I'm sorry now that I didn't try harder to figure out the problem for your list of known problems but I needed to get it taken care of so I used the bigger hammer method and updated the system software.
  I'm just glad to hear you are up and running again.  Sorry for the problem in the first place.  I do try to be responsive - and wish I could have figured this one out a bit quicker.
