Can not Print using Mac and Epson printer


Dec 24, 2007
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I used a HP desk jet when I installed Beersmith and all worked.  I replaced my printer @ month ago and I think I was able to print ok. I have also updated to 10.7.1 operation system.  My printer is Epson 630 wireless.
Last night I went to print my shopping list and I got an error in my print que. My printer recognizes it was sent a job because it will make a few noises then nothing.  I open the print que and it shows printer status as error. I can go to the setup page then and do a test print and it prints the test print just fine.  I can print from Safari, Word ect... all ok.
I'm not sure what happened or where to go to solve this.
  Not sure what the cause could be - a handful of Mac users have reported problems, but as you point out most printers seem to work just fine.

  Can you provide any status/errors that might help me here?  Unfortunately my HP printers here all work fine on the Mac with the program.

I am able to print as a PDF to the desktop, then print the PDF file.  I've attached a snapshot of the printer box but it doesn't really show much.  If I click the error line it will bring up a display showing the page to print.  The display on the printer will show printing for a couple of seconds, when I send the file.


The only way I can print using beersmith 2 is to print to a PDF file then print the PDF file.  ALL MY other programs print without any problem.
Would it help if I uninstall beer smith and reinstall it?
If so how do I do this and not loose my 3 years of stuff.
I am using Mac Software  Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2 (11C74)
I think I mentioned this in another thread.  I have the same problem.  For the record, I'm using an iMac running OSX 10.6.8 and an Epson printer.  When I try to print, the printer makes some noise as if it may do something, but then it does nothing more.  I've been saving out the PDF, then printing from Acrobat and that works fine.  And I can print from any other application, just not Beersmith.  So, sounds pretty much the same as dkadohn's problem.
Exactly what mine is doing. Sorta glad I'm not the only one that means it's not my system.
I have all the latest updates and drivers.
Guess I might have to find another  program.
  I actually went out and bought an Epson printer today just so I could debug this - I plan to work on it later this week.

After buying an HP printer and looking at the error message coming off the print queue, I have found out that this is not limited to BeerSmith at all. 

In fact the error (which is 'print -/usr/libexec/cups/filter/cgpdftoraster failed') is common to a whole bunch of applications with Epson printers:

Here are just a sampling:

Some people report that uninstalling the printer and then reinstalling helps with some applications.  Not sure if it will work for you.

I'm still trying to figure out what I can do on my end - it appears the program is generating a valid printout but the print drivers are crashing when printing it.  It clearly looks like an issue on the Epson driver end of the software.

Ok, I uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers, same results.
I'll just hook up my old HP until Mac gets things together.
Thanks for the last update (2.0.54). My epson now talks with BeerSmith, and printing fine.
  The 64 bit version under snow leopard and lion now work with Epson printers.
