Can't hit Mash Temp


Mar 21, 2017
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I'm relatively new at brewing so I apologize for the simple question but having a terrible time getting my mash temp proper. Beersmith is telling me to "Add 8.00 gal at 172.3 F" to mash at 156F. I've heated up the water in the mash tun with 8 gallons to 172.3F and it ends up 164F after grains mashed in. Also have tried heating the HLT to 172.3 and transfering it to the Mash Tun then adding grains and it ends up 148F. Am I missing something in Beersmith or not understanding the strike water/mashing procedure?

I'm using a 3 Keggle propane heated system with 2 chugger pumps. Mash tun is insulated with no burner.


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With the insulation on your mashtun, you have a different specific heat factor than just stainless steel.

From the heat losses you're citing, you lose 8 degrees to your grain (I lose about 11) and 16 degrees to your equipment. If you can heat the strike water in the mashtun, you need to uncheck the "adjust temperature for equipment" box. If you do this and the strike temperature is more than 8 degrees above the mash target, then your grain temperature field needs to be adjusted.

So thinking more about the temp loss from grains being only 8, I heated up the water in the HLT and transferred it to Mash Tun at a higher temp then recirculated the Mash Tun until target temp but didn't let it sit long enough. My guess is the equipment was holding the heat in enough to raise it a few extra degrees over time after I mashed in.

When I uncheck the Adjust Temp for Equip box it says I should lose 12.4 degrees from my grains. I'll test that out possibly next brew but I'd rather be able to heat the HLT up to temp and use that but like you said I'll have to change my Specific Heat for my equipment. Any good way of figuring that out or just by testing different temps and see what it drops from HLT to Mash Tun?
As a matter of fact, I happen to know a pretty good source for that....  ;) ;D ;D ::),9324.msg38071.html#msg38071

I like to add the heated strike water to the dry mash in stages; after half is transferred stop; stir  and check temperature, then start transferring again  in 2 or 3 steps. By checking on it you will know when to stop adding more heated water and avoid overshooting.

I do a 4 step mash with a heated mash tun,  undershooting can be fixed by gentle heating or adding more heated water.
Thanks brewfun! It worked great. Specific heat changed from .12 to .149 and found that accuracy of water volume is huge as well.