Estimated OG Looks Low


New Forum Member
Jan 3, 2018
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Hi there,

I am new to Beer Smith, and relatively new to all-grain brewing (have done a couple of successful batches). I am looking to try brewing a dooplebock, and found the following recipe online:

Using Beersmith, I entered all of the ingredients from this recipe, but the estimated OG in Beersmith is showing 1.017 vs. the 1.09 listed on the recipe. I also tried entering the same ingredients on some other online calculators, and they also come out closer to the 1.09 estimate than the 1.017 showing in Beersmith.

Anybody have any ideas what I might be missing?
First, welcome!

There can be a variety of reasons why the numbers don't match up.  Let's start by looking at the more obvious things:

(1) make sure you are looking at OG and not FG.

(2) check the type of recipe in the design tab.  It should read "all-grain" and not "extract".  This is probably the most likely setting that can get overlooked.

(3) Are you using some of the stock profiles that came with BeerSmith or did you customize the equipment profile to match your specific set up?

Thanks so much for the reply. The "Type" was set to "Extract" instead of "All Grain". Switching that did the trick!

On the upside, I learned a lot about grain potential, brewhouse efficiency, etc. while trying to research and troubleshoot this :)