Fastest All Grain Beer Ready to Drink???


New Forum Member
Dec 17, 2011
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We are going to have a Christmas gathering and my kegerator is running on the low side.  :-[  Six taps and only three of them are beer laden.....

I want to do a couple of batches of all grains that will be tasty by December 21st.  What do you guys recommend for such a beer?  I am open to all kinds... never met a beer I couldn't drink!!! Any tips would be appreciated too.  8)

I'd go with a session ale. Low octane so you can consume mass quantities without getting too silly.

My usual recipe for a five gallon batch starts with eight pounds of base malt, some other malts for color and flavor, an ounce of 5% alpha hops for bitter, and another ounce for flavor spread out over the last fifteen minutes.  The starting gravity is in the 1.040 - 1.030 range depending on your efficiency, resulting in a quick fermentation time. Easily ready for the holidays.

I like to bring the session ale style to holiday gatherings because it's a good introduction to homebrew without being offensively hoppy or too potent.
I'm with Maine HB's grain bill. Bang out a pale ale with maybe a lb of 40L and 1/2 lb carapils. Hit it with an oz of Apollo with some Cascade at the end. Pitch US-05, it ferments quickly (4-5 days), clean, and dry. you could be drinking it in less the 10 days. I don't see how you could go wrong  :). Happy Holidays and Happy brewing.

Either any beer using repitched english ale yeast, or a wheat beer (hefe, or american doesn't matter). 

A repitched english ale yeast will completely ferment out in about 3 days (ramping the temp by 10F or so for the last 24 hours), and will be half clear by then too.  A day or two of cold-crashing and it can go into the keg. 

Wheat beers because they don't need to clear at all.  Hefe yeasts are beasts and ferment super fast at anything about 60F.

tom_hampton said:
Either any beer using repitched english ale yeast, or a wheat beer (hefe, or american doesn't matter). 

A repitched english ale yeast will completely ferment out in about 3 days (ramping the temp by 10F or so for the last 24 hours), and will be half clear by then too.  A day or two of cold-crashing and it can go into the keg. 

Wheat beers because they don't need to clear at all.  Hefe yeasts are beasts and ferment super fast at anything about 60F.

+1 to Tom.  Get some Wyeast 3068 and pitch it right into a 5-6 gallon yeast starter needed.
