help setting up efficiencies


Master Brewer
Jul 9, 2013
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i will be referring to the excellent sticky post at the top of this page, "setup brewhouse/mass efficiencies". being a sticky it doesn't get a lot of traffic anymore and i am really close to having this figured out but need some help. i think that thread assumes some basic knowledge that some (okay, me) don't have yet. the wrapup to the thread states:

"Short Procedure for the truly busy:

1) Brew Beer.

2) Adjust “Equipment Profile / Brewhouse Efficiency” in the recipe Equipment Profile until “Measured Mash Eff” value and the “Est Mash Eff” on the mash tab are equal.

obviously (unless he just wants us to brew some beer for the fun of it) there is a step missing in between 1 and 2. we are supposed to be taking some kind of readings here it seems. i am trying to figure out what numbers to grab and where to enter them. we want to adjust the two numbers (measured mash eff and est mash eff) until they are even. measured mash eff is caculated by BS according to his post and is determined by your Measured Pre-boil Gravity and Measured Pre-boil Volume. est mash eff is adjusted by Equipment Profile / Brewhouse Efficiency. so somebody tell me if this is correct? :

1) Brew Beer.

1a). measure your preboil gravity and preboil volume, enter them into BS in their appropriate spots. this will give you the correct measured mash eff for your beer.

2) Adjust “Equipment Profile / Brewhouse Efficiency” in the recipe Equipment Profile until “Measured Mash Eff” matches the “Est Mash Eff” on the mash tab.

itsratso said:
"Short Procedure for the truly busy:

1) Brew Beer.

2) Adjust “Equipment Profile / Brewhouse Efficiency” in the recipe Equipment Profile until “Measured Mash Eff” value and the “Est Mash Eff” on the mash tab are equal.

mash eff is adjusted by Equipment Profile / Brewhouse Efficiency. so somebody tell me if this is correct? :

1) Brew Beer.

1a). measure your preboil gravity and preboil volume, enter them into BS in their appropriate spots. this will give you the correct measured mash eff for your beer.

2) Adjust “Equipment Profile / Brewhouse Efficiency” in the recipe Equipment Profile until “Measured Mash Eff” matches the “Est Mash Eff” on the mash tab.

That all sounds about right. I have brewed 20 batches through beersmith and still don't have my efficiency dialed in. You have to measure losses like tun deadspace, and trub/cooler loss, grain absorption etc.. over the course of a few brews and then once all your losses are figured you can accurately set the brewhouse efficiency.