High OG Fermentation Start-Up


Grandmaster Brewer
Jul 8, 2011
Reaction score
Can anyone confirm that it takes a bit longer to see initial fermentation activity with a high gravity beer? (1.071) I'm the guy that's had success splitting yeast starter, and I'm wondering if I might have finally come to the end of the line.
Hi MikeinRH,

I've had slow initial fermentation while making Barley Wine in the past. Heavy oxygenation during the first 24 - 30 hours helps speeding up.

If you're interested in yeast and fermentation, perhaps these links could give you additional information.


Good luck!
Thanks, Slurk. Fermentation started almost as soon as I posted the question! It will be my seventh batch using starter from one vial of WL001. I think I might be pushing my luck, however. I've got 1200ml left for two more batches. If I can make nine 5gal batches successfully, I will chalk it up as an immense gain in knowledge.
MikeinRH, push all the luck you have!

By the way, great support you got from Tom_Hampton and others in your post "Hop Heads Wanted For Advice". Interesting to read that you are both pushing your luck and using the more scientific approach to get your water profile right at the same time:)
MikeinRH said:
It will be my seventh batch using starter from one vial of WL001.

Maybe a tweak would be to start with fresh full-power yeast starters on higher OG beers and work down to lighter styles with later generations.
That's a great idea! I'm running out of notches in my belt. The wife says it's time to start looking for lighter bodied recipes.
MikeinRH said:
That's a great idea! I'm running out of notches in my belt. The wife says it's time to start looking for lighter bodied recipes.
:o Stretch pants are the answer, who needs a stinking belt.