Hop additions


Mar 13, 2015
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I'm new to BeerSmith & in my ingredients list it states "Admiral-Boil 0.0" I understand I add it after the boil is complete. However how long does it stay in the wort? Also, it states "Amarillo-Dry Hop 0.0 days what does this mean?
  Usually steeping hops are steeped for 15 - 20  minutes after boil has stopped. The 0. days amarillo  means dry- hop in the fermentor .
You should have a little more info in the notes somewhere telling you how long to dry hop. I usually transfer to a carboy at SG 1.020,( after about 7 days) then add dry hops until beer is finished - another 10 to 15 days. Transfer to bottling bucket or keg.
Do I dry hop immediately? When the wort goes into the fermenter for the primary? Also, I see nothing that says for how long?
Actually, the 'boil 0.0' designation usually refers to flame-out hops which are added as soon as the heat is turned off and then the wort is cooled as soon as possible thereafter.  If it were a dry hop addition, it would be marked as 'dry hop' and then the number of days to remain in the fermentor.
Yes, boil 0.0  means after boil stops, steep 15 mins.  On the other hand, Dry hop 0.0 days should indicate how many days to dry hop.

You can guestimate the dry hopping by following the most popular methods, which are;
1. If you are fermenting in one vessel just add hops at the time yeast is added and leave them there until you transfer the beer out for bottling.  You don't want to open up your fermenting beer just to take hops out.

2.  IF your brewing method includes a secondary fermentation (you transfer to a carboy after a week or so) , adding hops at that time is common.

If your recipe is a beersmith recipe these instructions are often found in the "notes"  section, design tab and look in the fermentation, and all areas for hints.  Print preview the recipe as a brewsheet and classic recipe will often show the info needed.

Otherwise the recipe is lacking info, as these hop parameters can be selected and input when each ingredient is added to the recipe.

In terms of dry hopping, I would never add the hops at the same time as the yeast.  The yeast will attract the hop oils and settle out before their job is finished.  If anything, wait until the fourth or fifth day and most of the fermentation has taken place before adding the dry hops.  Generally, depending upon who you read/listen to, the fermentation should be 80% to 90% done before the addition of the dry hops. 
Awesome, thanks for the info! I'm doing a two stage fermentation in a "Fast Ferment" conical fermenter. I'll likely start my dry hops when the fermentation is mostly done, then I c
Have a 2nd dry hop at day 7 of the secondary fermentation.