How long should I wait to keg?


Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
Hanover, PA
Ten days ago (Saturday, Dec. 6th) I brewed a Maibock that called for Wyeast 1214 (Belgian Abbey).  My OG was 1.058, and I took a reading just a short time ago and it's down to 1.01.  I have typically let my beers sit for some time, but this seems to have finished out pretty quickly.  If I were to decide to keg this weekend, is that too soon to allow things to settle out?  Or should I give it more time?
I'm confused.  Maibock is a lager.  You used and ale yeast.  Is it really a Maibock if you used an ale yeast?

To answer your question, just because it's went so far, so fast, doesn't mean it's ready.  The yeast need time to clean up after themselves.  Obviously, I vote for more time.
Scott Ickes said:
I'm confused.  Maibock is a lager.  You used and ale yeast.  Is it really a Maibock if you used an ale yeast?

To answer your question, just because it's went so far, so fast, doesn't mean it's ready.  The yeast need time to clean up after themselves.  Obviously, I vote for more time.

I was confused too when I bought the kit, but even though the kit did not come with yeast, I ordered one of the yeasts that had been recommended.  You can find the kit here:
I checked out the link.  I guess it's a Belgian Strong Ale, because of the yeast you pitched.

I'd still give it time to clean up after itself though.  No sense in rushing it, and risk not letting the yeast finish their job.
Scott Ickes said:
I checked out the link.  I guess it's a Belgian Strong Ale, because of the yeast you pitched.

I'd still give it time to clean up after itself though.  No sense in rushing it, and risk not letting the yeast finish their job.

Agreed.  Will do.  I tasted the far so good!
Scott Ickes said:
By the way, how is the "Roll over in the Grave Tootsie Roll Stout"?

Ha!  I need to update my signature.  It was great!  But it was kicked a long time ago.