Low ABV beer recipes


New Forum Member
Aug 14, 2015
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Im looking for low ABV beers recipes 1/1.5% - 2.5% English IPA/Pale Ale any recommendations will be highly appreciated.


I would look through the recipes for the style you want in the BeerSmith recipes.  Select one and download it.  Use the 'scale recipe' feature to convert the recipe to your equipment profile and preferred volume.  Open the file and note the IBU:GU ratio and color.  Use the OG slider function to bring the OG down to a level where you want it to be.  Note that you will probably be in the red section for the styles you are looking to make, but it will need to be this low to get the low ABV you are looking for.

Next, use the IBU slider to do the same with the IBU to get your recipe back into the same range of IBU:GU ratio that was in the original recipe.  After that, you may need to adjust some of the specialty grains to get the color back to a similar range as the original recipe.

I would also suggest doing a higher mash temperature, which will also lower your abv and help with retaining some body to the finished beer.  I'd suggest upping the mash temperature to the 158F to 160F range as a start.

Be prepared to brew this a few times before it comes out how you expect it to taste.  Going that low in ABV makes a big impact on mouthfeel, taste perception of sweetness, and flavor impact of the alcohol.
