Malt - Pontential Extract Values & Units

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The Mighty Badger

Hi there - first post to the board so please be kind to a noob.

I have just started using BeerSmith and want to add my own grains. As far as I can see the only field for potential grain extract needs a value for Specific Gravity. All the malt I use / data from maltsters quotes potential extract in litre degrees per kilogramme.

I have read elsewhere that 'all malt has a maximum gravity of 1.046' and applying an extract percentage is required to get the potential SG.

I am a bit confused.

How do I enter the litre degree value or covert my malt data for use in BeerSmith


First of all welcome.

I think you are confused.  the litre "L" you are refering to is, I think, the lovibond or color rating.

Can you post a link to the data sheet you are refering to please.

Are you aware that there are many brands of grain already entered and ready for your download? and look for "BeerSmith Grain Extensions"

If that doesn't do it I'll walk you thru the process of adding a new grain from the data sheet.


Thanks for the reply. I don't think the 'l' relates to Lovibond (colour index?). An example of the extract values I have on my bags of malt are linked below:

I appreciate that various add-ons are available, but I always like to understand the process / systems I am using; it makes troubleshooting so much easier. I have never purchased malt that quoted potential extract explicity in SG.

So how do I take a value for potential extract of, for example, 300 l°/kg and enter this into BeerSmith. Surely quoting a value of SG for a grain is based on an extract in the lab using known mass of grain an volume of liquid?

Looking at the Briess data sheet, there appers to be a fundamental difference in the way that US and UK malsters quote potential extract for their grain. I just need a pointer on how to convert between the two approaches.

Where does the maximum potential SG of 1046 quoted in the BeerSmith manual come from? Surely this implies that all grain has the same potential extract. I can't get my head round that.

1.046 is the potential of dry sugar, sucrose, 1 pound in 1 gallon.  When adding 1 pound in 1 gallon this is considered the max potential per pound per gallon (ppppg)

bonjour said:
1.046 is the potential of dry sugar, sucrose, 1 pound in 1 gallon.  When adding 1 pound in 1 gallon this is considered the max potential per pound per gallon (ppppg)


Thanks - that gives me the key to it - its a simple conversion from what are effectively  us gallon°/lb into l°/kg - divide by 8.34.  46 pounds based on 1 pound of sugar in a us gallon would be 383 points based on 1 kg of sugar in a litre. Apply this to a Pale Malt at 300 l°/kg gives 36 us gallon°/lb, which if I remember correctly, is the value used in the BeerSmith database.

The color appears to be in EBC so that is no problem,

Since diastatic power (linter) and % protein are missing I would insert "0" for those values.

But them all in the data base by Maltster name, then split them out and send to Brad so they are available to everyone.
