Please add sub-folders to the Beersmith Recipe Cloud

R. Gibson

Master Brewer
Jul 20, 2011
Reaction score
Please add sub-folders to the Beersmith Recipe Cloud!

With just a handful of recipes it's no big deal, but much more than that, and a single folder gets really crowded and disorganized.

I used to keep all of my files in nicely organized folders on my PC, which made it VERY easy to find the recipes I was looking for. I've spent the last year or so with a Gold membership trying to sift through all of my recipes in the cloud folder, but it has been rather inconvenient to not be able to organize them by style or date or anything. membership is now due again, and I am questioning whether to renew or not...if there were some way to get sub-folders added to the cloud in the near future I would definitely find that service valuable...if not, I see the unpaid, Basic account to be sufficient for my needs while I keep most of my recipes archived in nicely organized folders in Dropbox, and only keep a handful of my active recipes on the Beersmith Cloud.
I'd like to add my vote for this feature! I've been using BeerSmith (love it) for 6 months and I'm starting to get a decent collection of recipes. I've been moving them in and out of the cloud folder, but my main problem is the recipes get out of sync. For example, on my laptop, I copy a recipe to my cloud folder. Then I update it on my iPad. When I get back to my laptop, I have to remember to delete the older local recipe, then transfer the new updated recipe from the cloud. I am currently using BeerSmith on four different devices (laptop, iphone, ipad, and iMac). I've come to the realization that syncing this way just isn't going to work anymore, and I was ready to upgrade my account so I can just keep everything in the cloud...until I found out you can't organize like you can with the local folders! So bummed about that. So unfortunately I'm going to hold off on a paid subscription until this is implemented. We haven't seen a BeerSmith update in 10 months so I'm hoping this feature is right around the corner! Come on Brad, please help us out here!
I contacted Brad directly, and he said this is on his short list for the next update. Hopefully we'll see it implemented soon...
R. Gibson said:
I contacted Brad directly, and he said this is on his short list for the next update. Hopefully we'll see it implemented soon...

Its almost 2018 and this feature has still not been implemented!
Yeah..I'm still using the basic account because I can't justify the cost to upgrade space, but sacrifice usability. As soon as Brad adds cloud folders I'll upgrade for sure.
It is now 2018 and this feature has still not been implemented.
Whats the story here Brad? Any ideas when your going to get round to adding this? I NEED it!!
Would really love this to be added. Sub folders would make organization much easier.
It has been BeerSmith 3. You just need to upgrade.
