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Settings help: Fermenting on the grains (no sparge)


New Forum Member
Jan 7, 2024
Reaction score

I would like some help with the needed settings for the following process:

Mash-in all grains at 65C, 60 mins mash, then mash-out to 80C.
Then transfer of the full mash into the fermentor (including grains, husk, water, everything.).
No sparge, and no deduction of the grain volume and water absorbtion.

Is there a way to configure this type of mash process?
You are missing a step in between mashing and fermenting... the boil ...and I'm pretty sure you don't want to boil your grain.

Just set your mash profile to BIAB then remove the grains before you boil the wort.
Hi Kevin,
I'm not boiling. This is for distilling.
As written, I'm mashing out at 80C and pumping everything to the fermentor.

The question is, how do I make Beersmith understand that I won't be taking out the grains, and their volume is part of the "batch volume"
BeerSmith doesn't make provisions for home distilling.

You could either edit an existing mash profile or create a new one with your initial mash step and add a second step for the mashout. You can edit each step by double clicking on it and altering numbers for times and temperatures, as well as define a transition between steps by selecting infusion or temperature in the drop down. Once you've done this, create a third step, zero out all of the numbers and name the step, "Transfer to fermenter". That's probably the best you can do in BeerSmith to have some sort of record of your mashes.