Suggestions for Version 1.3?


Staff member
Grandmaster Brewer
Apr 5, 2003
Reaction score
I welcome any suggestions you might have for version 1.3!

I'm planning to do a round of serious coding over the holidays - so now is the time to get your idea in the queue!

Heh. Just look for any posts started by me in this forum in the past month or two  ;D  Seriously, that's pretty much all I can come up with at this time; I've been using the program quite a bit, and I've been really happy. It does what it says it'll do, and then there's even some things that I haven't gotten to yet. I'm sure once I get more into the AG thing, I'll have some more ideas, but for now, check out those last couple posts here (I'm sure you took notes on the ones that weren't too outlandish!).

Once again: good work, and thanks for letting your customers be part of the process!
1. Add a date block in the fermentation section, along with the number of days.  It is nice to know the actual date bottled.

2. Add a place to record specific gravity in secondary.
 I might note that the date does show up in preview brewsheet based on the brew date and number of days.

 I could see how it would be useful to add the gravity for the secondary (I'm assuming this is at the transfer from primary to secondary as there is already a field for the final gravity).

Hi Brad,
Not sure if this has been brought up before, but a batch number field would be handy (automatic). Many of us only keg our beers and bottle the small amount of beer left over in the fermenter for tasting or competitions. It would be handy to only have to put a batch number on the bottle cap for easy referencing later.
 Would you suggest that I add the batch number only when you copy a recipe to the brew log or should it be on every recipe?

 The complication of course is when you import recipes from someplace like the recipe exchange.

Check the thread a few months back about "Number associated with recipes/brewlogs" for some ideas on implementation.  At the time I was more concerned with how many total I had, but there is some info on what I had in previous "other lesser" homebrew programs.  ;)
Hi Brad
In my case I edit all my recipes in brew log, then copy over to my recipe folders when the brew is complete. Is it possible to have an "update batch number" tab much the same as you have a "remove from inventory" tab within a recipe. This would enable batch numbers to be put onto recipes as they are made if required.Perhaps have this tab only in the brewlog recipe edit screen.