What are you brewing next?


Staff member
Grandmaster Brewer
Apr 5, 2003
Reaction score
I'm thinking about a German Altbier or lager next...

What are you brewing next?

Next up, near the end of the month, is an IPA. After that it'll be an Imperial IPA.
Gotta replace the stout from my empty nitro-side keg, that gets started tonight.  Next week I should be out of my red ale on the CO2 side and will replace it with an IPA.  I'll be in sheer heaven with a nitro-stout on one side and an IPA on the other.  I can't believe I didn't go to kegging sooner!  ;D
I have a milk stout on tap now, a "pumpkin ale" for halloween is starting this week, and a winter warmer as soon as the pumpkin is in secondary.  
Hoping to do a Wit this weekend, followed by a double house ale.
This weekend I managed to get two brews down. The first was an Amber Ale (inside at about 66 degrees) and sitting outside in the cold (where it's about 56 degrees) is a light Lager.

I have a milk stout on tap now 
I was recently asked about milk stout recipes, but I'm not a stout drinker -- would you mind posting or PMing your recipe so I can pass it on?
Oatmeal Porter or an Oktoberfest...  actual choice depends on my mood when it comes time to make a starter  ;)
I'd like to see the milk stout or Oktoberfest recipe myself!

How about it?

My last batch--which incidentally was my first AG batch--was a California Common/steam beer. I know it wouldn't be totally to style, but what do you guys think about using the steam yeast (I used White Labs 810 San Fran Lager yeast) to brew an Oktoberfest-ish beer?
 The San Fran lager might finish a bit dry in an Oktoberfest, but you could easily compensate by adding just a bit more munich malt.  Other than that it is a great general purpose lager yeast that should work fine in this case.

Would it have to be lagered as long as a traditional Oktoberfest is? I ask, because with the steam I brewed, I'm going 1 week at 62 F, then 2 weeks at 42 F, and then bottle. Could I follow a similar pattern with this pseudo-Oktoberfest?
 I'm no expert on lagers (I prefer a full bodied ale) but the schedule you suggest seems perfectly reasonable.  I would follow by actually lagering (aging) the bottled beer at cold temperature for several weeks as well.

At this years' Oregon Brewers Festival Rogue had an Imperial Schwarzbier that was great.
I had a regular Schwarzbier planned for the end of the year anyway so I am going to boost the O.G. by 50% and the IBUs by 100%.
And now I'm done brewing for the year. I'll be heading off on vacation in another week or so, and I'm just trying to tie up some loose ends by then -- like transferring, bottling, etc -- so I have some nice beer waiting for me when I get back in January.

In January, I'm planning a couple of lagers -- Classic American Pilsner is the first -- then a steam and some kind of dark lager. Then it's back to IPAs, pale ales, porters, and whatever else I can think of.  :)
I am going to brew an imperial IPA, a small mead, a one gallon experiment. After that a wheatwine, perhaps a barleywine.  Then a smoked brown ale, and finally in march a maple sap porter.

Who Knows after that :)
I've got a winter style something or another for tomorrow.  Then who knows...
I am brewing first AG after the first of the year.  I am going to try my own recipe APA.  If it's good, I will post recipe.
I ended up replacing some stock beers first, but I'm finally going to brew that Altbier this weekend.  Its based on Mark Rasheed's award winning ALT2 with a little aromatic thrown in.

 I'll let you know how it turns out in about a month or so...
