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Look and Feel

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The look and feel settings let you adjust the overall color scheme for BeerSmith as well as how various items in the program are opened.  By default most new windows will be created in a new tab, but you can change that behavior if you wish to display them in a window or over the current tab (use the back/forward buttons to navigate).


NOTE: You can also change how windows show up at any time by Control-clicking or Shift-clicking a tool or view.  If you shift-click, the tool will display in a new window, and if you Control-click the view will display in a new tab (overriding the default).


New Feature: The adjustment theme, look and feel and opening of items in tabs/windows is entirely new in BeerSmith 2.0


Mac Note: On the Macintosh version of BeerSmith, the options dialog is listed as Preferences under the BeerSmith2 menu and toolbar rather than options


Setting the Look and Feel Options

oSelect Options from the Tools menu or toolbar (Preferences on the BeerSmith 2 menu for the Macintosh version). Select the Look and Feel icon on the toolbar in the options dialog.
oIf you want to change the overall color scheme for BeerSmith you can pick a new theme using the Color Scheme drop-down.
oIf you want to change how different items are opened such as recipes or tools, pick the option from the drop down in the "Options for Opening New Views and Windows" section.
oIf you wish to have a confirmation dialog displayed when closing an item before saving changes, check the "Confirm changes" box.  Note that this will only be active when you close a window or tab, and will not intercede if you save or cancel the item.
oCheck the "Confirm before deleting items" box if you want a confirmation box to be displayed every time you delete an item.  Note that this is rarely needed since you can use the undo button instead to undo changes.