Add ingredients not on list


Apr 26, 2013
Reaction score
Sudbury, Ont. Canada
Hi guys,

Quick question. How do you add ingredients to recipe that isn't on the list? The recipe I have calls for 2 Vanilla Beans. I can't find on list. I have added it to shopping cart and tried to add to inventory, but doesn't show up there. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Ingredients > Misc > Add Misc

There have been requests for items added to the Shopping List to automatically populate the database. This may be in a future update.
Thanks brewfun! So I guess will have to wing it without the misc. ingredients.  Doesn't make much sense if you can't add your own ingredients. Not sure how it will affect the numbers. Hope they get on this soon.

"Ingredients > Misc > Add Misc" are the steps to add something to the ingredients lists. Misc for misc, Hops for hops, etc.

Video tutorial:

Once it's in your list, you can add it to the recipe in the usual manner.

When you say, "Not sure how it will affect the numbers," I'm not sure what you mean. I don't think there is any significant sugar in whole vanilla bean.
Thanks for the link brewfun. Worked like a charm. The vanilla beans don't change the numbers, but if you add grains that are not on the list, the numbers change. If you don't add the proper values like SRM the numbers change. Will be checking out more videos on Youtube. Thanks again!

But what about this case: I have some Muntons grain files to be added to my software on my machine but I can't add them properly. I can open and view them but when I start a new recipe they are not shown - they are not available to be used on it.

Can you help me out? I'd really like to avoid add the grains profiles and hops profiles I need to add by the manual process - one by one -adding each information and so on.

Here is the video for adding ingredients.

If the list is part of add-ons (right side puzzle shaped button, just above the work screen.), you can find it by opening the list with the "+" button.
And check the add-ons for new lists that have been added since you last added something.  I did not realize there was a new Hops list and other new stuff for 2013.