Add New Ingredient to beersmith 2


New Forum Member
Jan 4, 2018
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I'm new to the program and relatively new to brewing.  My buddy brewed a Northern Brewer Chinook IPA kit and chose to add 2lbs of dextrose to the fermentation to take the ABV up a notch (or more!).  It's a lot, we now know, so I'm trying to add the tweaked recipe to BS 2 but don't find "dextrose" anywhere to include in the recipe.  HELP!
To add any fermentable to the ingredient data base go to the top bar and click "Ingredients" and then "Grain". Next click on "Add Grain" and enter the properties in the window that pops up. You can also make additions to the other categories in the same manner.
Dextrose SHOULD be in the Grains section though, but it might be listed as Corn Sugar or Sugar, Corn instead....
KipDM said:
Dextrose SHOULD be in the Grains section though, but it might be listed as Corn Sugar or Sugar, Corn instead....

It is :) that's where it's located for me at least