I am extremely, hugely bummed out and very confused as well. Not only did I discover my Pale had a major problem today but the Belgian Triple that I've been been fermenting for 2 weeks I have discovered has an extremely low abv, like 2 or 2.5% I don't get it? It's been producing co2 regularly for the past 2 weeks so how in the hell can it be this low? I used Wyeast trappiste. Is there anyway to save it? To add more of something to at least get it drinkable? It tastes good, but w/ no alcohol presence whatsoever. Man, after today, I am just ready to throw in the damned towel...I really thought this was going to be a good one. I guess I had beginner's luck, because the first few were decent but I have hit a rough patch. Does anyone know how to fix this thing?