Adding "No-Chill" Option

+1 for adding it.

Brewmate has a simple tick box for putting this option on or off. Quite like the layout of beersmith though.
Not sure if its mainly an Aussie thing but I no chill and a lot of the other brewers I know no chill.
Would be nice to have the option to put it on or off.
A "No Chill" option also gets my vote.

I can vouch from experience that you definitely need to adjust your hop schedule for this.

I no chill every brew now. It is a great process. You do need to adjust your hop additions though, but thats it. I usually double batch and fill 2xcubes now.

Hope this feature makes it into beersmith.
I really hope that this option gets added. It's dissapointing that I have to use different software each time I use this technique.

Would definately like to see this added as well.

My current practice for dealing with this is to note down the calculated IBU contributions for each hop addition, add an extra 10 mins to the boil time, then reduce the hop volume until the IBU matches original IBU, and then remove the additional 10 mins I added in the first step.  I have a braumeister so this might not be the best way of doing this for everyone, but it gets my beers back to where I expect them to be, and seems to be a consistently accurate way of calculating the additions.

Only problem with doing this, is that as I brew each recipe Im making adjustments as stated above, but if/when Brad adds this feature, all my recipes will need to be manually updated again.  Oh well such is life.

Any idea if/when we will see this functionality available?
Good to see that the most recent BYO magazine featured a good article on No-chill.

It's been 5½ years since the OP & I'm sure everyone by now knows exactly what No-Chill means ....
Are there any plans to incorporate this into the software ???

Brad ????
Wouldn't container thickness and ambient room temperature play a role in this?

This thread certainly is interesting as Brad completely missed the point on whirlpool additions.
Hi, I just joined this forum to bump this thread.
I was trying to work out if Beersmith had a 'no chill' option for hop additions.

As a potential customer (I'm using the trial version), I have another brewing program which has "no chill" calculations, and I thought Beersmith would have this too.

Will it be considered for future inclusions? There seems to be a few people who would like it.
I too would love to see a No Chill option added to BeerSmith.
I too would like to see No Chill added to Beersmith. The September 2014 BYO magazine goes into this process in detail and although there is still much debate over the adjustments required, couldn't an option be a check box for No Chill and a variable adjustment for the IBU for hop additions based on the experience of the brewer. I.e. A variable adjustment to deduct 15 minutes of any hop addition from the last 30 minutes. Anything less than 15 minutes, can either be configured for cube hopping, first wort hops or dry hopping depending on the brewers choice. I appreciate that there isn't an exact science to this as yet (that I am aware of) however giving the ability to automatically adjust IBU based on a brewers choice of varying options would work for me and save me having to work out my own adjustments.
  I've started working on this - I was thinking of adding it as a generic hop utilization factor in the equipment profile.  In fact I am not entirely convinced you could not use the existing equipment "hop utilization factor" to do what you want as this would add additional hop utilization to all of your hop additions.

  I started reading through the thread on HBT but honestly it is well over 100 pages now so I've not got through all of it.  Does anyone have a current reference as to how the utilization actually changes (good simple equation or something) with no-chill?  Ideally the cliff notes version or just the charts?

Hi Brad,

I don't have any charts or equations regarding hop utilisation and no-chill, so sorry.

I just signed up to say thank you for thinking of us here in Australia, where it's hard to chill anything with ground water sitting at 30˚C in the summertime, aside from concerns about water usage in our perpetual drought conditions.

I love your program and it has improved my brewing to no end.

Western Australia
BeerSmith said:
  I started reading through the thread on HBT but honestly it is well over 100 pages now so I've not got through all of it.  Does anyone have a current reference as to how the utilization actually changes (good simple equation or something) with no-chill?  Ideally the cliff notes version or just the charts?

Hey Brad, have a poke around the Australian forums like AHB, No Chill has been used for quite a while over here and our forums don't have as many pages to read so you may get the info you need without as much reading.

I would also like to thank you for providing such a great tool for brewers, it really is pretty much an 'industry' standard now.
Regards, dave
Can you point me to a cliff's notes version that is not 100 pages?

Hi Brad,
here an interesting post,
see post # 28

There are also some other posts on the site that focus on 20 min and less additions.
Regards, Dave
I have an interesting approach to this - I can calculate the remaining util for each hops left in the whirlpool (or steeped) if above about 90C.  Below that the utilization tails off pretty quickly.  So I'm leaning towards just using that option - giving the program the option to carry forward any remaining hops and estimate their utilization on a case-by-case basis for the time the wort remains hot.

So it would be an option in the equipment profile where you could carry forward the hop utilization and also specify a time above 90C to use as the basis for the estimated utilization of all hops in the wort.

Hi Brad,

Could you add a guide or some screen shots on how to do this?

Ive got the latest version of BeerSmith and cant see anything under the equipment profiles.


It has not been released yet - the code is done for this section and I'm adding a few finishing touches before I enter beta testing next month.
