adding vanilla beans to my secondary


Oct 9, 2009
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If I am going to add vanilla beans to my secondary, do I need to steep them first.  I have heard of people steeping beans before hand.
I figured i would just cut them open, scrap out the inside of the bean and add to the secondary.  I was going to soak them in some burbon as well.  What do you guys think, and steeping needed?
I am actually going to rack a stout to secondary when I get home from work, today.  I will be adding vanilla beans.  I usually steam them (i also have some oak chips that will be added and I am steaming them as well)

I have used all kinds of ways in the past.  I have even boiled beans with my priming sugar (because I forgot to add them in secondary) with excellent results.

Vanilla - especially in bean - is a very forgiving spice. You definitely want to sanitize it, though.

I hadn't thought about steaming. Nice way to minimize the impact from sanitation. I'm not a big fan of distilled alcohols and don't steep additives. Just a preference.
    Hi guys, I'm going to be doing an all grain stout this weekend and wanted to know if pure vanilla extract would be an ok substitute instead of using real vanilla beans.
Also some info with adding a small amount of liquorice flavor to the stout ( when to add and how much for 5 gal )
dabeer said:
If I am going to add vanilla beans to my secondary, do I need to steep them first.  I have heard of people steeping beans before hand.
I figured i would just cut them open, scrap out the inside of the bean and add to the secondary.  I was going to soak them in some burbon as well.  What do you guys think, and steeping needed?

Normally I would say do a vodka tincture for about a week.  Then add the extract solution to the secondary.  But burbon should work, although you will get the burbon flavor into your brew.  One note though, if you do a tincture, be sure not to add the who solution to the secondary.  You want to add part of it and taste it because they can be pretty potent.